Help with Youtube Topics. What you want to see.


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I recently started a youtube channel and would love feedback from the lovely people of the community. If you have any ideas for upcoming videos and or comments would love to here it.

Feb 15, 2014

Stephanie M.

I can never find many videos on applying eye shadow to different eye shapes and eye settings or for that matter eye makeup looks for specific eye shapes and eye settings. How that helps!

Feb 16, 2014

Jai S.

A video on how to take self eye pics like this...

Thanks ladies!

Feb 17, 2014

Stephanie M.

Sorry Kelly, I just realized that you put this post under hair so my suggestions was probably no help at all lol.

Feb 17, 2014

Stephanie M.

On that note, I always love to see DIY videos when it comes to hair or anything for that matter!