Wet N Wild MegaLast Surprise.


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Feb 15, 2014

Shelley W.

At 8 o'clock this morning I had to make a quick run into Kmart on a work related matter and decided to make a quick run thru the makeup aisle. Found Wet n Wild MegaLast lippie shades in 24 Carrot Gold and Pinkerbell at 40%. I've been trying to find both shades for over a year now. I'm on cloud nine right now and my co-workers and clients probably think I lost my mind.lol.

Feb 15, 2014

Kristen L.


Feb 15, 2014

Erika E.


Feb 15, 2014

Erika E.


Feb 15, 2014

Maressa H.

I love pinkerbell!

Feb 15, 2014

Vanessa A.

I did the same at Walgreens 2 for $3 I got cherry bomb & Mochalicious... Because it was such a good deal & one thing led to another..., I had to get a Fergie lipstick & some eyeshadow too.

Feb 15, 2014

Lizzy W.

LOL! It's tough when the people around you don't understand the joys of makeup (or the extent of our passion!). I just bought my first WnW lippie in Cherry Bomb and I love it :)

Feb 15, 2014

Tina K.


Feb 15, 2014

Heather I.

Yay! I do that too lol. There's a lady at my work that always wants to see how I've done my makeup because I like trying new stuff and new looks.

Feb 15, 2014

Shelley W.

@Lizzy...the folks I work with and clients included know my addiction to all things beauty and often come to me for advice but when I walked in doing this little two step dance they all laughed at me. ;) Cherry Bomb is an awesome shade as well.
@Cali...I wanted to grab two of Pinkerbell to give away but I only snagged one lonely tube. I can't wait to show pics of me wearing 'em.
@Heather...definitely makes work fun when people anticipate different looks. Definitely keeps you up on your A game. :)

Feb 16, 2014

Aru T.

Definitely put your pictures Shelley with the lippies :) waiting!!

Feb 18, 2014

Tee K.

I'm sorry I love wet n wild but I've never seen a color in words.. I want to try cherry bomb and the like.. what # is it?

Sep 20, 2014

Mari M.
