All black clothes help!?!


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Mar 7, 2014

Lisa S.

So I'm a stage manager for a play and I need cute all black clothes, any ideas? I just don't want to wear black shirt and pants every time. Thanks.

Mar 7, 2014

Bekah S.

I really like turtle necks 👀

Mar 7, 2014

Mercedes G.

I have to wear all black too :/ I usually wear colorful jewelry or headbands, or I love wearing black lace!

Mar 7, 2014

Mercedes G.

Mar 7, 2014

Kendra H.

Be careful to be comfortable! I've worked as an actor, stage crew AND as stage manager... Wear something extreme comfortable!! I'd personally wear black skinny jeans and either a a nice tank top (because it gets hot backstage) or an oversize sweater/jumper or just a nice dress shirt...

Mar 7, 2014

Lisa S.

Thanks everyone! And @Kendra, I totally know what you mean about being comfortable because I have to run around all the time...(: