Post a pic of your fav facial feature😍


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Mar 6, 2014

Erica K.

What is your favorite natural facial feature. Eyes? Nose? Lips?
I like the color of my eyes (they used to be deep chocolate brown...)

Mar 6, 2014

Erica K.

Wow!! Velen so gorgeous! My teeth are crooked :-(

Mar 6, 2014

Erica K.

Yeah it's been changing since elementary school. Dark brown, then amberish, then hazel.. Now more green/blue in the hazel...

Mar 6, 2014

Erica K.

A gray patch. That sounds awesome. I really don't know how they changed...😨

Mar 6, 2014

Erica K.

Not crooked like this!!'

Mar 6, 2014

Erica K.

Eek sorry that pic is truly terrifying 😱

Mar 6, 2014

Tara G.

My eyes changed too Erica but not as drastically. They went from mainly grey to green. That is actually common for your eyes to get greener as you age and unfortunately I think it can indicate some health problems when more green shows up in your thirties. If you believe Iridology.

Mar 6, 2014

Erica K.

Oh no!!

Mar 6, 2014

Kenna W.

Hmmm I'd say mines my mouth, I like my lips and my smile, people always say I have a good smile. 😁 hehe, mm cupcakes..

Mar 6, 2014

Kenna W.

I want my eyes to change color!! haha. I have boring brown, lol. Crooked teeth and fangs are popular in Japan :) I studied abroad there for a semester.

Mar 7, 2014

Kay C.

Erica your teeth are pearly white : ) and I seen way crooked than that lol all you beauties are fantabulous!

Mar 7, 2014

Fatima V.

I want my eyes to change color lol
mines is my smile(:

Mar 7, 2014

Karine C.

For me it's my eyes...I love my big green eyes hihi  :)

Mar 7, 2014

Erica K.

Awww wow! I love all your beautiful features!!

Mar 7, 2014

Erica K.

Gorgeous smiles!

Mar 8, 2014

Shaye M.

Probably my eyes haha! ☺️