I'm pale :p.


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Mar 6, 2014

Alenna G.

Hey girls, so as the title states I'm very pale >.< I have two jumpers that I'm DYING to wear for summer (its too far away for my liking) but the only drawback from wearing them is that my legs look too white to me... Any suggestion to make them look slightly more tan without overdoing it? I'm not one that likes to like like a clown haha. Thanks! oh and BTW I don't tan very easily :c.

Mar 6, 2014

Jennifer S.

I use "million dollar tan" self-tanning lotion. It's decently inexpensive. I use the "extreme" one but if your were to get original I'm sure it would do the trick without over doing it. Or if you wanted to go drug store I LOVE banana boat summer color

Mar 6, 2014

Jennifer S.

Here's the pic of summer color.

Mar 6, 2014

Alenna G.

thanks ladies!! :))

Mar 7, 2014

Katy K.

Personally, I would never touch self tanner because I would probably mess it up and dye my skin orange or brown haha. I would just rock your normal skin color. It's easier, cheaper, and less of a hassle. Plus I personally wish I had super pale skin. I know, I'm weird haha :)

Mar 7, 2014

MaKenzie T.

This is what I recommend... It will give you a little glowing color with a very subtle sparkle to it... It is cheap, water-resistant and long lasting.

Mar 7, 2014

Alenna G.

I know what you mean @Katy! I'm afraid I will screw it up, but it bugs me because when I do wear shorts people won't leave me alone and they keep making stupid comments. lol most of em don't get to me :) but my legs just don't go with the outfit lol cx