Help With A 12 Year Old.


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Mar 13, 2014

Stephanie S.

I have a daughter shes only a year though. I wouldn't introduce her to make up unless shes asking for it. once she starts asking about it depending in her age ill start slow. ill put off foundation or any face makeup till she really 'needs' it. I will teach her to have good skincare routine first then let her wear blush and mascara and lip balm. once shes 14 she can wesre whatever makeup she chooses. but I will let her know about the benifit of not using foundation so young. once she starts wanting to wear a full face on a daily is when I would take a trio to sephora.

Mar 13, 2014

Tealy A.

My mother let me wear mascara, blush, and lip balm at 13 and as I got older I slowly started wearing more but I'm still not allowed to wear eyeliner.

Mar 13, 2014

Cass F.

Tinted lip balm and lip gloss and mascara for special occasions. You don't want her to feel defined by the makeup.

Mar 13, 2014

Lydia S.

Hahaha I was 12 once (like a few months ago lol)
This is what type of make up I own at the moment:

• mascara (I don't normally use it cause my eye lashes are super long)

• Eye liner (purple, blue & black)

• Bronzer (hardly use)

• Blush (I don't use often cause it looks terrible on me lol)

• concealer (I use often)

• foundation (I use nearly ever day)

• eye shadow (I don't use that much, only when I'm like bored and want to play around with cool new make up styles or when I'm going somewhere)

• lip stick (red, pink & purple)

That's all I can think of right now...

Mar 13, 2014

Naomi S.

If she wants to play n makeup at home that's one thing. but outside, lipgloss only. babylips lip balm. things like that that are sheer.. teach her about eating well, and drinking plenty of water to let her skin speak for itself. exercise/sports. those should b her focus right now.. my opinion of course.

Mar 13, 2014

Kailey J.

My little sister is 12 with brown eyes and brown hair (with blonde highlights) and looks 15. If she asks to wear makeup, I just put on some neutral eye shadow or a very light pink with some mascara and tinted lip gloss.

Autumn Hope F.

Mar 13, 2014

Autumn Hope F.

Mascara, lipgloss/tinted lip balm. Let her experiment with brighter colors inside the house. On special occasions, let her wear neutral eyeshadow and soft pink lipstick.

Mar 13, 2014

Amy M.

I agree with Naomi. I have a 13 yr old and she tried wearing makeup last year... She had on mascara only and it looked really inappropriate. Needless to say, it didn't fly... But since she will be 14 this April and is going to high school next year, I came prepared. I bought her the Bobby Brown Makeup Book for Teens. We gave it to her for Christmas and although she has not yet started trying to wear makeup again, at least when she does she will have an excellent resource to consult with before slapping something crazy on her face. I'm a firm believer in education, and that if you are going to do something, try to do it right.  :)

Mar 13, 2014

Antonia S.

So sweet. I am reminiscing hardcore right now. My mom introduced me to the makeup basics (foundation, lipstick, etc.) and then I surpassed her with knowledge and now I teach her things (blending eyeshadow, eyebrows) When introduced properly, makeup really can strenghten the bond between mommy and daughter.
My mom used to take me on the same dates you said you go on with your daughter. We would go to Panera bread for bagels and later she would get a pedicure and she would let me get my nails polished. It was so long ago but I still remember and cherish those memories.
The joke was when I was really young I used to always ask her "Mommy when can I wear makeup?" And she would say "10 years old." because ten seemed so far away at the time. Ten rolled around and I still remembered! So she let me wear lipgloss.
At 12 I was wearing eyeliner and lip gloss and it was a hot mess. Big raccoon eyes but that was the style in middle school. I say start her out with a few pretty lipglosses.
A good idea is you could always take her to get Glamour Shots done where they do her makeup and then take photos. The focus is more on the photos but she would get to experience having her makeup done :-)

Mar 13, 2014

Kay C.

Too young in my opinion I have a daughter not yet 12 but when she gets to that age only light lipgloss I would maybe mascara but she doesn't need it she has long dark curled lashes and I don't want the mascara to mess them up...but your her mom I just feel like what's the rush to grow up theirs plenty of time to wear makeup and to start off soon can only damage your skin : ) best of luck

Mar 13, 2014

Ashley G.

If I had a daughter and she was 12, I would let her play around the house in any makeup she wants, but when it comes to going out in public I would stick to lip gloss (a light shade of pink).

Mar 14, 2014

Kathy K.

Thanks for your help suggestions and opinions. greatly appreciated..