Help With A 12 Year Old.


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Mar 13, 2014

Kathy K.

I just want opinions for what I should start her out wearing make up wise. I want her to look like a young lady not floosey. ya know what I mean right?? she is my only daughter and I don't want to mess things up with her. she loves make up. just so you know she has gorgeous blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. she also has very light fair skin.. do you think it would be a good idea to take her to sephora to let them give her a makeover and show her how to apply make up?? thanks for your help in advance.

Mar 13, 2014

Hannah K.

There's an editorial on here about it, hopefully it helps:

Mar 13, 2014

Kyraa D.

Yeah, I agree with Velen.
I wouldn't let my 12y/o daughter - if I had one - wear much more than some mascara & lipgloss. if you want to introduce her to makeup then I think a make over from Sephora would be fun, but I would make it a special occasion thing.. like for her birthday or something.

Mar 13, 2014

Chelsea C.

I will agree with CALI a little mascara and light lip gloss. I only say this tho because my mom didn't allow me to wear makeup until I was in the 7 th grade so I see it as I was raised.

Mar 13, 2014

Ashley B.

Yea I'm with Cali. I wouldn't let my daughter wear much makeup that young. Lipgloss and maybe mascara. But it's up to you. You're her mommy! Lol and definitely sephora if you want to learn how to do apply makeup or want tips.

Mar 13, 2014

Bry R.

Yeah I wasn't allowed to wear makeup until 8th grade. And personally I think it's better for kids to stay away from makeup. Don't let her grow up too fast. I know it's hard with the weird "beauty make-up" trend our society is going through but she might thank you later on. I wouldn't even let her wear mascara. Maybe some clear mascara. Lipgloss would be perfect, that's what I wore at that age. But it's really up to you and what you think is best.

Mar 13, 2014

Chelsea C.

Plus the way that you described her, she sounds beautiful why would she need makeup anyway!?!?

Mar 13, 2014

Kait C.

When she enters 7th grade, let her try out some eyeliner and blush. Until then, just some lipstick/lipgloss and mascara (maybe some light eyeshadow) :)

Mar 13, 2014

Kait C.

First time I wore eyeliner was in 7th grade btw:)

Mar 13, 2014

Dottie G.

I think at 12 she dosent need too much makeup so maybe lipgloss and some basic fun eyeshadows and a blush?? I wouldn't recommend mascara at 12 quite yet because it does actually harm your eyelashes and it causes then to break off and it hinders their growth but clear mascara still makes them pop and it dosent harm your lashes :)

Mar 13, 2014

Anna J.

If you think it's ok then I would say defiantly take her to teach her how to do makeup! One of my friends is 12 and she wears mascara all the time. Just make sure to teach her makeup it about having fun and self confidence! Not looking perfect. That would also be a fun thing to do for a mother daughter day!

Mar 13, 2014

Lynzie B.

My mother in law took me at 12 to get my makeup professionally done and they showed me techniques and such so I say yes. (We both got make over together.) I didn't need makeup or anything. It's not like shes going to go over board with makeup, I didn't. Even if she did want to it wouldn't last very long until she found a different thing to be involved with. It was a fun bonding experience for me and my mother in law, that I'll never forget. My parents didn't go out and buy me a bunch of makeup after that to wear either, just a little bit to play with.

Mar 13, 2014

Landrey S.

At this point I'd introduce her to a healthy skincare routine and the importance of spf. Brown mascara and lipgloss

Mar 13, 2014

Z M.

No make up at age 12.

Mar 13, 2014

M G.

For a 12yr old I'd start w/lipgloss.

Mar 13, 2014

Aileen L.

I agree with Dottie G. I wouldn't let her wear mascara as it can harm her eyelashes and too eyes coz she's too young for that and it can break off. As per my opinion she should use little eye liner or kohl liner. Kohl is very good for eyes. It is used for medical purposes also. And for lips may be go for baby lips or some other balm but no lip gloss. Lip gloss is too much shiny!

Mar 13, 2014

Kathy K.

Thank you so much. yes she is a beautiful girl. she also knows that her mommy thinks shes very beautiful. I tell her that quite a bit because she my little girl but I just always want her to know I love her. I think maybe just lip gloss and a little eyeshadow. Hmmmm kind of a hard decision.

Mar 13, 2014

Alex M.

This is just my personal opinion, but I think you should ask your daughter her opinion on makeup and if she WANTS to learn more about it and wants to take a visit to Sephora. But you have to remember she's only 12 and has plenty of time to learn how to apply makeup. If she wants to go full-on with makeup, then let her. If she doesn't, then don't let her. Ask her how she feels about it. I think her self-confidence will grow if she's able to make the choice and if she's allowed to wear makeup as she pleases.

Mar 13, 2014

Kathy K.

Yes I think it would be a great bonding experience for both of us. I still remember the first time I took her to the salon to do our nails and a pedicure n out to lunch. it was awesome. so much fun and laughter that day.

As little as possible. My little sister is 14 and she still doesn't wear makeup and she's absolutely beautiful, sometimes she puts it on and it's even more enhanced, but she has natural beauty. We all have natural beauty and it gets masked
By the makeup we apply in comparison.

Mar 13, 2014

Tania S.

I agree with maria g. lipgloss and nails well if I had a daughter.

Mar 13, 2014

Mira S.

Lip gloss then mascara.

Mar 13, 2014

Jessica N.

Start her off with the essence makeup :) that's for about her age IDE say.

Mar 13, 2014

watson e.

I think she can wear makeup just maybe a little mascara lip gloss and just buy her a little makeup let her play around with it find out how maybe you could show her how to use it a little bit but every 12 year old wears makeup.

Mar 13, 2014

Diana T.

At 12 I started wearing eyeliner n lip gloss so you can start with that n mebe some mascara too.