Please I really want to clear my skin.


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Mar 10, 2014

Lauren L.

I don't have real severe acne, but I have a lot of small pimples all over my forehead. I have some near my nose and jawline. They just don't seem to go away! I haven't had clear skin since I was about 10. I know, I got pimples early. Please help me on how to clear my skin it just doesn't seem to change no matter what I do😥😥.

Mar 10, 2014

Lauren L.

Closer up

Mar 10, 2014

Annie N.

shisedo ibuki

Mar 10, 2014

Cat D.

You may need to see a dermatologist I did because I have sensitive skins and nothing at generic stores would help my skin

Mar 10, 2014

Ariana G.

Get a face moisturizer that has salicylic acid and put that on your face everyday, twice a day.
Every other day mix baking soda and lemon juice together into a paste and apply iy to those areas. Let it set for 5-10 minutes.

Mar 10, 2014

Abby F.

Deep pore cleansing mask- I had the same issue and it got rid of then quickly. Don't over exfoliate because that will make them more red...if you have one particularity pesky blemish if use a sulfur spot treatment, too.

Mask- First Aid Beauty Red Clay peel off mask

Spot treatment- Kate Somerville Eradikate.

Mar 10, 2014

Antonia S.

I'm going to tell you what works for me. By no means will this necessarily help you or work for you but it's worth a shot. Whenever people ask me my skin care routine and I tell them this they look at me like I'm crazy.
I've had severe acne since the age of 10. I've tried so many things. Clean and Clear, Neutrogena, Clearasil. I've done masks, peels and deep treatments and nothing worked. My dad always told me that those acne products were a load of crap and to just wash my face with regular old soap. I thought he was crazy.
But one day I tried it. I washed my face with my normal body wash (Caress "Daily Silk") and never looked back. My skin has been clear ever since.
Granted, I do feel like sometimes my skin isn't as "clean" as it could be so I'll also wipe it down with a good makeup removing wipe every now and then. But for the most part- my skin is perfectly clear from pimples (I just have a lot of scarring from when I used to pop my pimples.)
I would definetely check out just washing your face with soap. Skincare experts would probably have a heart attack if they heard me say that- but it's worked for me. I'd advise to stay away from super perfumed and dyed soaps like ones from Bath and Body Works and try to go with something a little more "natural."

Mar 11, 2014

Kaitlyn K.

You might want to see a dermatologist. Also, try drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables. Try a pore cleansing mask. Good luck!

Mar 11, 2014

Kitty K.

That is spot on what I used to get on my forehead.
I recommend using Salicylic Acid. I highly recommend that you DO NOT use baking soda, lemon, lime or any other citrus fruit. The PH of both products damage your skin in the long run and you are looking at far worse problems using them, especially a combination of baking soda and lemon. If it's strong enough to clean with and to deteriorate your teeth it's beyond me why it's such a common DIY recipe.
Neutrogena has a rapid clear line, and they have a lotion with Salicylic Acid.
Using it cleared it up right away for me. You do not need to exfoliate with the use of Salicylic Acid. There are two types of exfoliatants: Chemical and Physical. Salicylic Acid does exfoliate chemically so there is no need to over exfoliant.
Remember that all acne treatments at the end of the day are all peelers, I use Sulfur because not only is it much more cheaper, but just as effective without all the peeling and I do not risk chemical burns like with Benzoyl Peroxide.
I also say to stay away from Dairy Products for awhile, just to monitor and see if it can be contributing to it. ♥

Mar 11, 2014

F M.

Try to eat organic and healthy, drink tons of water. Try a face map, that could help.

Mar 11, 2014

Priya B.

I agree with Antonia even my father say same thing. Try to avoid products as much as you can and if possible use only natural products. Consult a dermatologist first he/she can help you and please don't do experiment with your skin by using different products.

Mar 11, 2014

Riley B.

I've had moderate to severe acne since I was about 10 as well (15 now) and I had tried everything there was to try. so I went to the dermatologist & he prescribed me Septra. it's an antibiotic that is a bit gentler than accutane. I've only been on it since mid January and my face is clear, other than my scars. btw: I use cetaphils combo/oily skin cleanser, olay's combo/oily skin moisturizer, a prescribed retin-a cream, and the yes to tomatoes mask twice a week. I hope this helped you! ;-))

Mar 12, 2014

Sheariah S.

What Jay X. and Antonia S. said is so true and also instead of all the chemicals on your face try a natural product. I had severe acne (just like yours:) ) and if it wasn't natural it would be horrid for days but now I'm free!!
so come to the dark side try this lol
can't wait to see ya ;) good luck girly :)

Mar 12, 2014

Lauren L.

Thanks so much everyone!