I need help to make my hair longer.


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Mar 3, 2014

Iliana D.

I just cut my hair short and I dislike it. What are some ways to make it grow faster?

Mar 3, 2014

Amy B.

No heat

Mar 3, 2014

Ariana L.

Comb tangles when you get out of the shower do not brush out tangles or hair will fall out from force.

Mar 3, 2014

Helena M.

Olive oil!! Heat a lid sized amount and run into your scalp and hang your head upside down for 10~20 mins!! Then wash out throughly :) olive oil is great for strengthening and softening your hair and my hair grows or feels longer whenever I do it good luck.

Mar 3, 2014

Lily W.

Helena how much is a lidsized amount? sorry I was just wondering(:

Mar 3, 2014

Brooke L.

Take the vitamin biotin. That helps drastically.
Use organic shampoo because you don't want sulfates in your process.