Any tips for messy buns.


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Mar 3, 2014

Chloe E.

Any tips or steps for a messy/scruffy bun!

Mar 3, 2014

Faith F.

Don't try to hard. Just throw it up, make sure it doesn't look ridiculous, and forget about it. It's supposed to look like it took two seconds (which it should!) Also if you pull your hair straight up like your going to put it in a pony and then twist it before you put it in a bun it helps. Hope I helped :)

Mar 3, 2014

Bella L.

Well easiest way is grab all your hair make a pony tail but pull only half way through then twist around your left over hair and tie again.

Mar 3, 2014

Bella L.

Or just pile up your hair in a clump and tie it

Mar 3, 2014

Kira S.

^thats what I do! 😊

Mar 3, 2014

Claire G.

What I do for a big messy bun is take a bun maker, like a bun sponge, and use that. I like to put my hair in a ponytail and then tease the ponytail so it looks messy, and THEN use the bun maker. It's best if you have relatively long hair because then it'll look really nice. A little tricky at first but once you get it you've got it 👍