How To Grow Long Eyelashes?


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Mar 4, 2014

Dominique H.

Does anyone know any ways to help eyelashes grow long? please only comment if you are sure it actually works.. thank you!

Mar 4, 2014

Iya S.

I tried Vaseline and it works just before you go to sleep put it on your lashes but before take a pic of your lashes and just keep on doing it everyday for a month then take another pic and see the difference hoped it help 😄

Mar 4, 2014

Kat A.

Nothing will make your lashes grow except Latisse. every other thing (castor oil, Vaseline, etc) is only a myth. they'll give the illusion. please do not put Vaseline near your eyes. it seals in bacteria & may cause an eye infection!

Mar 4, 2014

Dominique H.

Yeah I have used Vaseline before and I didn't really see a difference at all.. :/ do you girls know if taking a hair growth pill like biotin would help eyelashes grow?