Kind of a dumb question.


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Mar 2, 2014

Caitriona H.

Yes. If a shampoo has anything with sulfate in the ingredients then that shampoo would not be sulfate free.

Mar 2, 2014

Lisa S.

Yes and if you are looking for sulfate free I say go with L'Oreal Ever-(pure, strong, etc.), Nexxus (not all of Nexxus are Sulfate Free but I have the color one in a pink bottle, its fairly new, and it is sulfate free), or Organix

Mar 2, 2014

Lisa S.

Usually if it is sulfate free, it will say it on the front of bottle (but still check ingredients because they sometimes lie)...

Mar 2, 2014

Lisa S.

You're welcome:)

Mar 2, 2014

Kitty K.

No however the reality is that no product is ever sulfate free. It is another marketing gimmick. There is a whole group of ingredients that are different types of sulfates, that are still present in 'sulfate free ' products. There are many sulfates that are quite gentle and can be derived naturally. Just because a product contains 'sulfate' does not make it any worse. Its like saying all red things are hot and blue things are cold. Not all sulfates are bad.
Sulfates are no more damaging than any other regular cleansing agent. Sulfates that should be avoided are sodium lauryl, lauryl sulfate, ( LYL ) which are very harsh in terms of hair care.

Mar 4, 2014

Audra B.

If it suds up in the shower it has sulfates.