My Passion for Makeup Even Through the Darkest Times.


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Feb 22, 2014

Lolita B.

I wanted to see how some of you ladies find passion for makeup again after experiencing a dark time in your lives, whether personally or with a family member. I recently returned from CT after being with my younger sister who had health complications and almost resulted in death. By the grace of God, she had a complete turn around and was sent to rehab to recover. For the last two weeks I've had to step up as the big sister (I'm the middle child) and be the support and shoulder to cry on for the family. Now that I'm back home in MO, I'm struggling with not being there and moving forward. I still feel drained because the waiting room became our home away from home so very little sleep was going on. Not only are we blessed to still have my sister around but I am blessed to still have my job that I was supposed to begin before all this happened, and I hope that it will help me to keep my mind busy. Life is so precious and never to be taken for granted. It definitely puts things into perspective. Makeup has been like therapy to me in better times, but now I feel stuck and a little depressed. I wanted to see how you deal with getting up again and finding the passion you once enjoyed.

Feb 27, 2014

Lolita B.

Not sure how else to get this topic out there. I've posted through using both app and internet :(