Smokey Eyes For Brown Eyes.


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Feb 23, 2014

Michelle P.

Any ideas and video tutorials for smokey eyes? I have brown eyes:)

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

I think if you are wanting to do smokey eyes for brown eyes you should add Abit of a lighter shade in with it because some times brown eyes and completely over the top black eye shadow can look abit to dark and will hide your eyes instead of bringing them out x

Feb 23, 2014

Michelle P.

That's quite helpful thanks:)

Feb 23, 2014

Michelle P.

I thought the same too but when I did it some girls said that what I did was not smokey eye Emily but apparently they are wrong.

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

I am sure it's still smokey eye is if just add a little bit of a lighter colour like a shimmer grey on the edge , don't think smokey eye is complealty black.

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

See ^ she posted smokey eye which wasn't black

Feb 23, 2014

Cat C.

No they're right. What Chanel posted is a smokey eye.
Hollie, I'm sorry but that not a smokey eye

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

Yes it is smokey eye , there are different types I know I am at collage doing make up

Feb 23, 2014

Cat C.

Smokey eyes aren't completely black but they do have the darkest color on the lash line/lid and the higher up you go the lighter you go. The lightest being the brow bone.

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

And I agree what Chanel posted was smokey eye I was just saying even of you add a lighter colour it's still smokey eyr.

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

Lol ok.

Feb 23, 2014

Cat C.

Smokey and smoked out are two different things.

Feb 23, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

There is not such thing as a light smokey eye I learend that through jackie and alma here on beautylish, what chanel posted is a smokey eye but what hollie posted is a trasition eyeshadow

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

Have you not read my earlier comment properly or some thing?

Feb 23, 2014

Cat C.

No need to be rude. It's a topic reiterated on BL. Jackie and Alma have FREQUENTLY posted information explaining and even pictures on TRUE smokey eyes. They aren't going to school for makeup... they are professionals who went to school and have experience.

Feb 23, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

What about it emily?

Feb 23, 2014

Michelle P.

Hey girls it's okay I just want a dark makeup for my eyes I would prefer Kim K's makeup thank you so much girls:)

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

We'll if you read my first comment I am telling her that putting a little bit of light grey on it will help her out because her eyes are naturally dark. So there's no need to people to start arguments over other peoples comments. Don't like it move along

Feb 23, 2014

Michelle P.

She is right I just wanted some advice that's all.

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

I was only trying to help Michelle out wasn't trying to cause any arguments.

Feb 23, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Lmfao emily you posted no grey color you said a lighter shade and thats not a smokey eye, I didnt start no argument over your comment I'm just saying what it is.

Feb 23, 2014

Cat C.

We politely disagreed and corrected. There is no argument in that until it's mistaken as an attack and argued on. :) But Michelle, I'm glad you found an eye look you liked! It's gorgeous and I'm sure it'll make your eyes look fabulous!

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

Lili.are have you not got any thing else better at all to do with your time than look to start people..?

Feb 23, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Cat don't even trip on her and her rudness shes always been like this pay no attention to it, it would be a waste of time.

Feb 23, 2014

Emily S.

Cat c thankyou for your opinion ta