Would Love Some Feedback.


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Feb 24, 2014

Emily P.

This is lengthy, so be prepared :)

I've been reading likes and dislikes about the beauty "gurus" (I hate that term) on these boards for a while and I think I've gained some pretty good knowledge about what to do/not to do if I were to make videos, but I know I can't please everyone so there will always be someone out there who doesn't like my content/facial expressions/tone of voice/accent/ect. I do have a decent camera (a Nikon d5000), but it does not have auto-focus capabilities. I thought for anything I would need to show up close, I could film that separately and put it into the video somehow, since I am certainly not able to go out and spend $900+ on a new camera right now.

A little bit about me, just so you're aware: My name is Emily and I am 22 years old. I live in the South and am going to school for a Liberal Arts degree. I really think I would bring something fresh to the table when it comes to these videos. I see so many girls doing the SAME. EXACT. VIDEOS. at the same time. A new collection or palette comes out and here come hundreds of reviews on the same thing... I don't find myself getting sucked into the hype of very many products. I never bought the Naked 2 or 3 palette, never bought any palettes that came out around Christmas, never got into the Urban Decay eyeliners, I don't care for Glam Glow masks, I have no desire to ever try Whitening Lightning products or the "Brow Bar To Go" products. Sigma... eh, I have 3 brushes and I have to say, I do love them, but I just can't see myself picking their makeup over another brand or buying their brushes very often. I just recently bought the Naked Basics palette after it being out for how long? (A loooong time). The new drugstore products of 2014 have not yet made their way into my makeup room (and I don't see many of them making the cut, simply because I don't care for very many of them). The people I'm subscribed to on YouTube get very old very quickly because they all talk about the same things and I'm just not that way.

Also (I'm not stuck up, I promise), but I'm a very genuine person. If my channel were to ever get popular at all and I was sent products to review, I could never bring myself to lie to my viewers and say that I love a product when I don't. What's the point? I'm in school, I work, I travel to see my boyfriend every other weekend (we're long distance and when I'm not there, he's here)- I don't have time to lie about makeup or skincare. That's stupid. I don't need to gush for 10 minutes about a brand I don't like just to get a free lipgloss.

Next, I feel the beauty world is really lacking when it comes to people who have very very fair skin (and, in the same respect, very very dark skin). I'm on the pale end and I find it extremely hard to find YouTubers who are the same skin tone as me. I finally found a few, but they are few & far between. I feel like that sets me apart as well. NO foundations in the drugstore work for me and while, yes, I could buy a white foundation to mix with them, I haven't brought myself to do that yet. I have 2 foundations that work perfectly for me but out of all the companies out there, 2 foundations are not enough. I am constantly searching for new foundations, just in case one of the companies I currently use decides to discontinue or reformulate a product (and then I don't like it). The struggles of being pale! I figured the beauty and YouTube world is lacking with very pale and very dark girls (or guys) and maybe I could help contribute to the pale side and give suggestions for people who are also super pale. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that just because someone is darker than you, you shouldn't watch them. I get plenty of suggestions for products from other YouTubers out there. You don't have to be the exact same skin tone as someone just to be able to use the same products. I just thought it might be refreshing to put myself out there and help out someone else who was looking for a good (and very very pale) foundation or powder.

Anyway, I just figured I would post a little something and see what sort of response I get. I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for- suggestions, comments, tips/tricks? I don't know. Like I said, this is something I've been thinking about for a while, so I'm trying to feedback from many different places to see what everyone thinks.

Feb 24, 2014

Anna N.

Like you said: even if you do your best some still won't like your channel and don't worry about that, there are so many people who will love your channel simply because it's so genuine.. I watch youtube videos since I first started using makeup and I found some really good channels but with years I realized this: all tips I ever used were from channels who are genuine but also real. so what I wanna say is: don't sweat about your channel, if what you said is true than there are going to be so many people who will follow you, not everyone can afford so much make up as some girls can and if you are so worried about rewievs you could just do make up tutorials for beginning and than you'll see how it goes :) I hope I helped, good luck :)

Feb 24, 2014

Emily P.

Aw thanks, Tiana! I definitely don't get caught up in all the hype of new products. If I like something, I'll buy it. If not, I won't. I don't see why that's so hard for other people lol. Like I said, it's a decision I'm really struggling with but if I do follow through with this idea, I'll be sure to let you know! I appreciate your kind words!!

Feb 24, 2014

Emily P.

Thanks Anna! I really appreciate it! You're right- I shouldn't stress so much about it. If I'm genuine, that will shine through on it's own. Thanks!