Inspired Look :) Opinions Appreciated :)


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Mar 1, 2014

Flor R.

So I seen this look by beatfacehoney on youtube I think thats her name lol and I tried to recreate it but I realized I didnt have a vibrant teal :'( and sorry for the lightin my room is pretty dark lol.

Mar 1, 2014

Flor R.

Hehehe thanks and yea I'm sad I thought I had a brighter teal but sadly no :,( lol

Mar 1, 2014

Flor R.

And I love that red on you!

Mar 1, 2014

Joyce T.

beautiful ladies:)

Mar 1, 2014

Diana I.


Mar 1, 2014

Flor R.

thanks! :)

Mar 1, 2014

Naomi S.

Flor, yours is really good. before reading the caption I assumed yours was the original. very cool..

@V, very nice hun. wouldn't expect anything less

Mar 1, 2014

Flor R.

Omg that means a lot naomi! I been practicing a lot I mean ALOT on my blending lol!