Opinions on towel drying.


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Feb 25, 2014

Leslie N.

I've heard it's bad but I've been doing it for years. Do you do it or not? Should I just pat the ends and let it air dry instead? Why is it bad?

Feb 25, 2014

Stephanie S.

They say if you use a cotton t shirt it reduces frizz.
I usually just wrap my hair in a t shirt instead of a towel till I get dressed then let it air dry

Feb 25, 2014

Emily B.

I don't think its bad just make sure you dry it well and don't leave it to wet

Feb 25, 2014

Stephanie S.

They say its bad because it causes breakage..

I use towel as long as you do it softly & not harsh you'll be fine ((:

Feb 26, 2014

Kendra H.

It can cause breakage if you aren't gentle. However it is still much healthier than using a blow dryer... I towel dry whenever I'm using my straightener or high quality curling wand because I don't want to put a lot of heat on my very short hair. Just tip your head over, squeeze the excess water gently out of your hair and comb it out. Let it air dry while you get dressed and while you so your foundation and concealer (this is how I do it in the mornings...) and then repeat the squeezing process...