Help Me Pick A Outfit.


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Feb 27, 2014

Becca R.

I'm going to the Miley Cyrus concert march 4th! I'm so excited but don't know what to wear!! Post pictures and ideas of what you think I should wear!

Feb 27, 2014

Hannah K.

Hi Becca, just wanted to let you know that posts like this belong in the Style section! You're much more likely to have someone answer your question if it's in the right category. I'll move it this time, but please remember that in the future. here's a refresher on the rules:

Comments and topics that do not comply with these rules will be removed by Beautylish Staff.
Repeat offenders may be banned.

Beautylish is a diverse, positive and respectful community. It’s okay to disagree with someone, but be constructive and don’t be rude.

We have a zero tolerance policy toward rude comments, negativity and harassment.

Make posts easy to understand by using proper spelling, grammar and capitalization. Post topics in the correct category and do not make duplicate posts.

Duplicate, miscategorized, and difficult to understand posts will be deleted by Beautylish Staff.

Avoid self-promotion or commercial messages. Don’t post other people’s work and claim it as your own.

Contests, giveaways, swaps and exchanges are not allowed on Beautylish.

Use the flag button to report inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, or email us at

Feb 27, 2014

Courtney D.

Hope this helps :)