Need help, seriously. Hair color opinions.


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Feb 27, 2014

Sarah M.

Hello, dolls.
I'll make this as short as I can:
I just dyed my grey hair red. It was supposed to be a darkish shade, but ended up a neon almost pink color. I'm completely in love with it.
Here's where things get complicated: my grandfather died this morning & I have a few events to attend throughout the week to pay my respects. It was my dad's dad & he is incredibly old fashioned. My grandmother doesn't mind my hair choices, but my dad says it's disrespectful to go around the family looking like I do. I know he'll throw a fit over this, but my mom told me to blow him off and keep the red. I'm torn here.

The question for you girls is, would you find bright colored hair at a funeral to be disrespectful? Would you recommend covering it in another dye or working with what I have currently?

Feb 27, 2014

Kaleigh D.

I would work with what you have but keep your other clothes very modest and your hair style not too attention grabbing. Maybe your dad may realize it is alright?

Feb 27, 2014

Sarah M.

I'll post a picture of my hair when my phone charges a bit, sorry. My outfit is a black, long sleeved blouse & black fitted pants. I'm thinking the contrast might make me stand out even more. Uggggh.

Feb 27, 2014

Maiya D.

The situation is tough but I think if you really like you hair you can work with it. I have bright pink hair when I have to go places that are more formal I do an updo. Try twisting it all back or wear a solid color hair band.

Feb 27, 2014

Kaleigh D.

A bit of white might help that. White tank top and black cardigan possibly?

Feb 27, 2014

Kat A.

I don't see how a hair color can be disrespectful. he loved how you are, crazy colors & all I'm sure. so I'd keep it. just do an up do & maybe add some sort of hat if you're still not sure.

Feb 27, 2014

Abby F.

Maybe wear a black hat or head covering like a scarf? I wouldn't change my hair bc these events are short term and you aren't trying to be disrespectful. Keep your hair modest (down or pulled into a ponytail that's not super high) or cover it up. Or maybe a wig? Haha sorry. Good luck (:

Feb 27, 2014

Sarah M.

Also, forgot to mention, my hair is hella short. The front is maybe two inches past my chin, the rest is "boy short"

Feb 27, 2014

Sarah M.

The thing about my dad is he literally has never said anything nice regarding my individuality. He wouldn't be seen with me in public if my hair ( when it was blue/purple/pink ) wasn't covered, nor would he be seen with me if my piercings were visible. He says that I look like a freak & that people think I'm trashy and/or an attention seeker because of it. He hates anything if it's not plain and typical. My mom is a hippie and doesn't mind what I do. I don't live with either of them, so I generally hide my hair in a hat when I do see my dad. A hat is definitely not appropriate here, that much I am sure of. I just don't want him to explode on me tomorrow, so I'm trying to figure out ways it looks less in-your-face.

Feb 27, 2014

Priya B.

You can cover you head with a hat or scarf and tie your hairs properly.

Feb 27, 2014

Kat A.

Slick it back with a little poof in the front along with either a scarf or headband.

Feb 27, 2014

Zoey A.

I know it's a tough choice, and I don't know your dad, or how he acts, so I can't just tell you the most important thing to do in that situation is to assert yourself as a human being, especially if you're trying to avoid making a scene on a day like that. I really think that in any other situation regarding your father, you shouldn't try to conform to his unrealistic, and unfair expectaions, but perhaps on a day like that, it might be best to find a way to either cover it up, (black wide brimmed hat, wig, even a black head scarf you can pull up) or as much as I hate to say it, try to dye it a casual colour.

Feb 27, 2014

Zoey A.

Pulled up like this, with other part wrapped around like a scarf, except black.

Feb 27, 2014

Zoey A.

Woah, what about titties?

Feb 27, 2014

Zoey A.

Oh okay, I get what you meant. Lol.

Feb 27, 2014

Caitriona H.

First of all your hair is stunning, secondly a hat is definitely not appropriate for a funeral, Third I'm sorry about your grandad x I just had a brain wave. Why don't you buy those spray wash out hair colours in black and just use it for the few days?

Feb 27, 2014

Ame S.

The fact that you're considering changing your hair colour for the funeral shows a great grandkid you are, so no, the colour of your hair doesn't matter, you will be there paying respect, your grandad in heaven would be proud. I am sorry about your loss. Although go as you are, you have nothing to hide.

Sarah M.

Dearborn, Michigan