How are you meant to apply coconut oil?


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Feb 25, 2014

Renae A.

Are you meant to apply it just at the roots or all over the hair? Thanks :)

Feb 25, 2014

Wendy P.

I like to get a pea sized, rub it in my hands then start at the ends of my hair and working my way up and then the rest at the roots. be careful to not put too much at the roots as it can make your hair greasy! also I always apply it after I shower and my hair is damp :)

Feb 25, 2014

Breanna C.

If you have very fine, thin hair like myself I wouldn't rub it into your scalp unless your planning on washing it out after letting it sit for alittle while because your roots will be very oily.

Feb 25, 2014

Mary R.

Well it depends if you're going to wash it after leaving like a deep condition or put in as a shine booster

Feb 25, 2014

Kristina C.

I usually use mine in homemade mask but I apply it all over but rele focus on my end cause it's the oldest and most damaged