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Aug 23, 2011

Everist W.

Beauties...with school starting...really encourage pl around u to be accepting of all pl of all walks of life...respect an uplift each other....kids can be cruel and words do hurt...they leave scars so deep tht our can alter ones life.life is short...no more bullying...encourage each others differances...never know who is going through wht:)

Aug 23, 2011

Peyton Lin C.

You said it. My goal is to be nice to everyone, regardless of social status or personal reasons. I urge everyone else to have the same goal, it can really make someone else feel better about themselves and let us become better people. 

Aug 23, 2011

Everist W.

Im glad tht ur goal its to be nice to everyone... I hope it catches on like wildfire at ur school....stay beautiful and awesome:)

Great message, the world could use a little more appreciation of diversity.

Aug 23, 2011

Mariel F.

i agree a girl at my school is muslim everyone makes fun of her because she would wear the same clothes straight in a row . she would cry and feel bad all the time but now i see tht it does make her life feel horrible and one thing i want to do for this school year is to tell everyone to stop bullyling . its sad seeing someone take their life away becauseof a bully and im going to spread the word to STOP BULLYING.!!!

Aug 24, 2011

Kelsea M.

This is something that is really important to me. I was bullied a lot when I was younger and there was a point when I would come home crying every day. It's not fun. And to be honest, looking back I think I did bully some kids after that but still a while ago. Nothing big but every little comment or action hurts and I'm ashamed of it. For the past couple of years I've worked on being nice to everyone. Obviously, I'm not perfect and I do mess up but I'm always happy when I think of my reputation. People know me for being the nice girl and I like it that way. But I've been on both sides of the equation before. Bullying is terrible. If anyone needs any advice or needs someone to talk to, send me a message here or on youtube. I'm always happy to help.

Aug 24, 2011

Everist W.

Kelsea...Tht is very nice of u to be a listening ear.it its hard today in this society to feel accepted...too thin...too big tooshort...too tall, but our differences and imperfections is wht makes us....us. No one should be bullied because they "do not fit in"...
@dylan...i can't get over ur face...u are so cute too me.

@Everist omg! You're so sweet!! Thank you so much, I really needed to hear that today! ♥♥

Aug 25, 2011

Everist W.

Ur welcome....<3:)

My goal this year is to be nice to everyone too. I wouldn't consider myself a bully or mean, but the past few years I sort of shut out people and didn't really open up or give people a chance to become friends with me, I basically just gave people I didn't know the 'cold shoulder' at school. But this year I want to be one of those people who are always friendly, nice and there to talk to in class. I know how it feels when there is always that one really nice person who is friends with everyone, and how much it brightens my day when someone is kind for me without a reason, and I want to give back to others and make them feel that way. The way I see it, when people look back at high school later in life, I want to be remembered for being a good friend and having a good personality rather than bad :)

Sep 5, 2011

Zoe C.

That's very sweet :) I have been really badly affected by bullying, to lengths I don't even want to go into :/ but the experience has made me a stronger person, and has made me see how important it is to be nice to everyone, whoever they are :)

Sep 11, 2011

Shoosh A.

To be honest, everyone has been through this bullying phase at least for a little while, it either makes you stronger or forces you to hide from everyone else. What I learnt from bullying is that bullying them back won't do any good. It depends on how long you've been struggling , never make those lifeless people bring you down. You know you're better than them,so why bother listening to their lame comments ? either ways, I think that it makes you much stronger no matter how bullied you can get at school. Nothing seems to satisfy anyone in this world.

May 29, 2013

Kelsey N.

I was bullied starting from when I was in 1st grade I'm in 6th now and I'm still bullied a lot!! Kids AND adults need to treat people kindly. I'm permanently scared from the bullying when ever my friends raise their hand to give me a high five I think they're going to hit me.