I love Fyrinnae! Check out my all Fyrinnae EOTD ;)


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Aug 21, 2011


Last night I ended up playing around with some Fyrinnae shadows I've had forever, but have never done an eye look with.

I love Fyrinnae. I remember I first came across them a while back and they blew my socks off with their amazing array of colors, sparkly shimmers, and duochromes. I recently placed an order with them, but now the site says they're closed as of the 16th. Waiting to see if my order is filled...hopefully!

Anyway, you can see the look I did here: http://makeupchicliterarygeek.blogspot.com/2011/08/eotd-flashy-mermaid-fyrinnae-shadows.html

Have you used Fryinnae? What's your favorite shadow (if you can pick just one)?

Tweet me! @DoriaJM