There's an app for that...


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Aug 4, 2011

Erica H.

So I pretty much only use my Facebook and Pandora apps on my phone, but tonight I was bored and decided to see if there were any cool apps I should download. I came across this one called Google Reader and it's friggin awesome! You just log in with your email and you can read all of your blog subscriptions from your phone! It shows the pictures and sizes everything perfectly. And you just hit the arrow and it'll go onto the next blog post. You can comment and everything too. And it's free! I expected it to suck all of my phones battery too, but it didn't!

I have an Android phone and androids are powered by google so im not sure if iphones can get google apps, but its worth checking out!

What are some apps that you love?!

Aug 4, 2011

Stephanie M.

This fashion app called Pose... What it is pretty much, is an app where people take pictures of their clothes, jewelry, etc, and post it for everyone to see. You can write the brand, place, and price, and like other peoples stuff! Its really cool, I like it a lot. You can also follow other people and keep tabs on when they upload their pictures and stuff.

I'm a FourSquare, Twitter and Spotify app junkie. I tried the Sephora app, but it's really buggy - I hope they fix it!

Aug 4, 2011

Erica H.

Dang Pose sounds awesome!

I just downloaded pose! I have an iPhone and I love the unlimited apps they have in the app store. Thanks Erica!

I just downloaded pose! I have an iPhone and I love the unlimited apps they have in the app store. Thanks Erica!

Aug 5, 2011

Niki D.

I wish there were more interesting and fun beauty apps. Sure there's a Sephora app for shopping and such but I'm really shocked there isn't a MAC one yet.

They have stila and modiface 

Aug 5, 2011

Erica H.

Holy moly, i dont know how i couldve forgot to tell yall about Period Tracker! It's like a calendar and it will let you know when your period will start and end and lots of other things too. You can write down notes, symptoms, moods, weight, and everything like that. Its great.

@Erica - PTracker is the SHIZ. People laugh when I tell them about it but I swear, without it I'm clueless as to why I'm suddenly eating everything in sight then crying about it. 

lol i just know. I can tell with how I feel emotionally

Aug 6, 2011

Erica H.

Haha same. I just like it so I can know around when i need to start stocking up and carrying around my that-time-of-the-month-first-aid.

instagram, hautelook, allrecipes, and songkick. songkick is scans your ipod on your phone, and then tracks the artists to see if they'll be in your town soon on tour. i also love my tokyo fashion's fun to look at all of the different crazy street snaps :)  

Aug 6, 2011

Nubiana T.

I have a Blackberry so the apps aren't that great but I use UberSocial (for twitter), Facebook (except it randomly disappeared on me?), Pandora, MyFitnessPal, Fandango, Texts from Last Night, and Mapquest 4 Mobile. I know..super boring.

Aug 6, 2011

Erica H.

I wanna upgrade my phone to one of the newer androids so I can get the netflix app!

Jan 20, 2013

Abigail R.

I have sephora/MySkin amazing app/ and this app