how to become a freelance MUA.


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after years of people telling me i should pursue some type of job with makeup i think i'm finally going to do it. only thing is, i have NO type of experience, training or anything of that nature..

how should i go about getting established?

Aug 8, 2011

Nykki B.

I would expect that you would have to go to your friends first, and let them get the word out, because without going to beauty school or having any experience, I don't know if anyone will pay you to do their make-up. Does that make sense? Maybe offer some great deals, or do it for free to get the word out. I think a great way would be to host some kind of MUA parties, so girls can see what you can do.

xoxo, nykki

Aug 9, 2011

Sara A.

so far ive been doing friends for free, then friends of friends would ask where i would charge them for the service. word is getting out slowly but surely for me thankfully. i have no experience, training, etc. but calls have been coming in a bit frequent so im excited! focus on putting yourself out there as much as you can.

Aug 9, 2011

Rai C.

Well for starters you should start buying for your makeup kit.

Aug 9, 2011

Megan N.

like Raisa said, you should start a makeup kit. get a few essential stuff, like foundation, eye shadows, liners, and lip products. start off with doing some fun look on yourself, then do you friends and family. let them get your name out and like Sara said, once other people start asking for services start charging them. your best advertisment is gonna be your friends and family. 

thanks everyone. i will definitely start doing this.