Michelle Phan's MyGlam!


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I know it's only going to be 9 AM but still no ship confirmation for me. Hopefully today because if I'm among the last (tomorrow) I'm going to be pissed since I signed up in November and those who signed up in November should have priority over those who signed up in December.

Still no confirmation as of this morning but it's still early. I have a bad feeling I won't see confirmation until Tuesday or Wednesday... a week AFTER they were suppose to ship out.

One thing is for sure, even if you're a Michelle Phan fan STAY AWAY from MyGlam for now. There are too many problems with it between lack of communication, no confirmations of shipment or that the customer will get a bag in the first place (money is taken but no confirmation from MyGlam), shipments pushed back, products being drugstore items instead of high end, products that's not appropriate for everyone's skin coloring, double billing, demands for payment through Paypal, etc, etc there are just too many problems with MyGlam.

I understand they're new, a startup, but Birchbox, TestTube, etc, etc NEVER had these kinds of problems. I contacted MyGlam via their Assistly page on the 10th and here it is the 13th and no reply not even an automated "someone will contact you within ___ days". Nothing. My payment was taken from my account on December 23, I signed up for MyGlam on November 23 and got my December bag just fine but no clue if I'm getting a January bag DESPITE payment having been taken. I will say if I DON'T get confirmation by 5 PM Pacific tonight I WILL be disputing the charge with my bank because they had until December 10 then they said by December 15.

With Monday being a holiday ANYTHING mailed after 5 PM Saturday will NOT be processed or shipped by the post office until Tuesday at the earliest but most likely not until Wednesday! That's unacceptable to me.

Ugh that sucks, Yasmin! I did get a shipping confirmation yesterday but no updates as of yet on the tracking. There seems to be so many issues with the service judging from facebook comments alone. I was also not 100% comfortable with the idea of paying a full month before I receive anything...seems so hard to keep track of everyone's subscriptions that way. They should just bill when they ship it. Luckily I do like the samples/products they are giving away for this month. Hopefully they're able to iron out all the issues over the next couple months and get their act together.

Jan 13, 2012

Dani M.

I also signed up in November and have not received a shipping conformation for Jan even though they charged me. I'm going to give them another month to get there sh*t together but if it's the same as this month I am going to cancel my subscription. I don't work and I'm paying for beauty school, I thought this would be my one thing a month to reward myself but it's just stressing me out. HAHA. 

Jan 13, 2012

Rina N.

I signed up on January 9th and through hearing all these It made me want to cancel my subscription. I saw that they would be billing me in February again. When I haven't even received one bag. I hate how they don't have a customer service number or at least I couldn't find it. So, I sent an email requesting whether I can get my money back. They are very unorganized by the looks of it. And I though they were going to be makeup related and in this month bag they have a nail polish and a conditioner. I don't know if its just me but I want one with strictly makeup. lol Oh well I just hope I get my money back. :)

Jan 13, 2012

Ashley K.

I think its really too soon to tell what the company is going to be like down the road. Every new business I've ever encountered has had hiccups along the way especially with internet companies and there are a number of factors that can contribute to this problem. It really isn't a fair assessment to say stay away from MyGlam for now, if problems like these persist down the road then I would absolutely agree with you but I think they deserve a little leeway this is only their second bag and while I understand the frustration because this is a service you are paying for I can also see the company's perspective I'm sure it is not their intention to let any of their customers down.

As for their shipping information as to what day the bag actually goes out it's quite vague on or around the 10th of the month just doesn't give customers much of an idea when to expect their bag and its a little unrealistic to think they will get all their subscriptions out on the same day. I agree that the payment thing is wonky and we should be charged when it ships. If they switched over to this method they could just send out conformation emails when this occurs and help clear up some of the confusion.

As you guys know I just signed up and wont be getting this months bag so I have not really experienced these problems first hand but trust me I do understand as I used to work for a company that not only did internet sales but also had store fronts and at times things would get really crazy, so I guess I feel their pain as well as ours as customers lol 

I don't thinkis about the company itslef, I subscribed to birch bos and the mail has been pretty bad lately :/
I want to try out Myglam and see what happens....
besides I think what michelle did was amazing, great products and 10 bucks happy expression |^_^|

Still no shipping notice for me. I've checked my spam inbox as well and nothing. :|

I understand they're a new company, I get that, but wow MyGlam is the worst startup subscription company I've encountered and I've been a start up member for a few companies. I think they're the worst because of the lack of communication, double charging and then suspending people then sending Paypal requests for payment. Not living up to their statements such as this month's box was suppose to be valued at $50 or $60 and the bag is worth under $40 depending on if you get the eye shadow ($16) or the nail polish ($10).

To make matters worse. Some of Michelle's fans are pretty rude! They've been telling those with genuine concerns and complaints to shut up and quit instead of realizing the people with complaints have the right to complain and MyGlam needs to fix the problems people are stating. They're just plain rude and MyGlam should thank them for wanting to stand up but to please not tell other people to shut up.

Jan 14, 2012

Ashley K.

I think because of all my years working in the retail industry I don't get as concerned as others when things go wrong with a start up company like I said before if these things continue to happen months from now then they were not worth their salt. While these issues shouldn't be happening because the company should be staffed properly and everyone should be trained in their position but they are obviously not and unfortunately it hurts the customers. Bringing in new people to resolve these issues will take time and is not a quick fix, again I completely understand why people are angry but spamming isn't going to get their issues fixed any quicker. Where do they post the values of the bags?

I took a look at their Facebook page yesterday and I agree that people were being very rude to each other regarding these issues and all they are really doing is creating more confusion, I read a couple questions that were pretty much the same but got tons of different answers. I would not categorize them all as Michelle Phan fans to be honest before my glam I didn't know who she was and had only watched a few videos from Jessica Harlow... lol People are always going to be mean to each other this is the internet after all. I hope you get your confirmation and it all works out in the end.

Got my confirmation early this morning. According to one tracking site (link I don't have off hand) it should arrive by the 19th.

They posted the value of this month's bag on their wall but it of course is now gone. Someone said they said it was valued at $50 in one of their live stream events.

Jan 17, 2012

Dani M.

I got my tracking confirmation on Friday. Given the distance I am from the company I should have got my bag today (even with Monday being a holiday). I checked my mail and no bag. My tracking number gives me zero info. Last months bag I was missing a product. If I don't get my bag tomorrow and in good shape I am canceling my subscription. Ya they are a new company but I also can't be wasting my money. The whole "its only $10 a month and we should be grateful" is not flying with me. If I gave you a haircut of a cheap price and it was a crummy cut and not what I was advertising I'm sure a person would be upset. haha. I'm trying to be patient but I can be saving my $10 a month and get some cool makeup or a massage in the summer. HAHA. I hope everyone else has a better experience with myglam then I have so far.

I've had my tracking info since the 12th and nothing has updated at all with it. I live on the East Coast so god only knows when I will get my bag. Not super happy right now with MyGlam now either. 

Jan 17, 2012

Latia C.

I signed up for my glam bag last month and I got my tracking info on Thursday. After checking my tracking number again today, the USPS website said that the shipment had been electronically received. To my surprise today, it was waiting for me on my dining room table, having been delivered today. This was my first glam bag experience and I think it went pretty well. But, I will not be continuing my subscription after this; not until I see that they have all of the kinks worked out in a decent manner.

Looks like there are still more screw ups.

1. Many people are getting two bags when many people won't. According to someone at a different forum she was told by MyGlam she would be getting a refund instead of a bag this month.
2. MyGlam requested those who got two or more bags (yes or more, someone got THREE and only paid for ONE) to send the bags back to MyGlam. I don't think that people should, least not without compensation since mailing something back (if it's been opened) DOES cost money.
3. Some people are getting broken nail polishes or damaged face mask bottles. MyGlam is telling people to contact them so a replacement can be sent out. How can a replacement be sent out if people who didn't get a bag in the first place are being given refunds?

Wish I was among those who got more than one bag but I have a feeling my bag will arrive damaged.

Jan 18, 2012

Dani M.

Just checked my mail... NO BAG and no update on tracking number. I guess I should give them untill the end of the week and if I still don't receive it, I'll be emailing asking for a refund and cancelling. I wonder how long it will take for them to give me my money back. Bleh. :( 

Jan 25, 2012

Candice M.

i signed up for the january bag, they took the money out right away?!?! And still NO BAG! Hmmmmm

Jan 25, 2012

Candice M.

oh, and no email either!

BTW - forgot to mention. My bag came intact and with no damage. 

Jan 25, 2012

Jaclyn S.

they did say that the shipping was messed up and there was a problem so its not like they just didnt tell anyone, they said it. i think everyone got their bag late this month but that just means we get a new one soon. i like my glam and you get full size and small size things and a cute bag! now my house will be filled with bags haha but oh well, i can sell them!

They said it after the fact. And according to them 1% had bags that were sent off to other customers so some people ended up with refunds instead of bags while some did get bags that were reclaimed. One poor lady got a reclaimed bag and the person whom it was sent to first (and she has that lady's address since it was still on the bag) USED the products before sending it back to MyGlam! 

Jan 27, 2012

Dani M.

I didn't get my bag. They never sent me an email telling me about delay or refund. I finally emailed them about it and their customer service is laughable. They charged me on the 23rd for February when I wanted to cancel my account. They explained to me that even though it was a mistake on their half for charging me before the 1st of February they would not issue me a refund even though I canceled my account on the 25th and did not want the February bag. My personal experience was horrible. I had been told so many different things and just want my money back so I can never deal with it again. :( I hope everyone gets a better experience they I did. Still waiting on an email about refunding me for January and hopefully February. I might have to dispute the charge for February since the did not follow their user agreement and is telling me I have to pay for their mistake. YUCKIE.

Feb 13, 2012

Rina N.

Has anyone gotten a tracking number for February bag? I signed up January 9th so I can get February bag and cancelled before they billed me again. They said they would ship the east coast bags first. But, Its been days and I haven't gotten any tracking number or such. I'm going to be upset because I kept emailing them to make sure I'll get one and they said I would be getting a February bag. 

Rina - I don't think anyone has gotten them yet. From what I could tell from people commenting on their facebook page, they only send the tracking numbers once your package has reached the USPS, not when they actually ship it (which they use a different company for). At least, that's my understanding. I'm on the East Coast as well...hopefully we'll get our bags soon! 

Feb 13, 2012

Rina N.

Melanie- Yes I hope we get it soon! :) Here's a link I found that has what they supposedly sent this month! I can't wait to get it, a lot of skin care products though. :/ I was expecting more makeup. But, Oh well. lol :)


Feb 22, 2012

Crystal B.

I wish i had an awesome pal in America that would send me a glam bag :( so jealous of what everyone gets. Or maybe they should just hurry up and send international, who cares about paying for postage!