Hair is Thinning?


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Dec 9, 2011

Christianna G.

Okay, when I meant thinning, I didn't mean the bald spot here and there type. I meant that, my hair used to be so thick and full and now that when I used to wash my hair, I can put it above my breasts and pretend that I'm a mermaid or something but now, the whole hair can barely even cover one boob! It sounds ridiculous, I know. But please help me?

Dec 9, 2011

Erica M.

have you researched castor oil?

Jan 1, 2012

Mariah B.

it might be expensive, but aveda just came out with a new hair care line called "invati" and its made specifically for thinning hair. one of the girls i worked with at the aveda institute has alopecia and she was chosen to recieve it early and test it out, and her hair is much thicker and bouncier now!

Jan 1, 2012

Tere E.

Nioxin works really well for thin or thinning hair. They have a number system so you can choose what works best for you.

Jan 1, 2012

Sarah C.

I have also used nioxin and found it to work well