How to Promote Blog/YouTube?


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Dec 8, 2011

Jasmin A.

Hey everyone, I've had my blog for awhile and just started (again) my YouTube channel. But I'm wondering what are ways to promote or get my blog/channel out there without promoting myself?

I'm too shy to put my videos on my FB/Twitter/Social networks or promote myself on pages and stuff like that. Or is that the only route to go? Because I don't want to try and promote myself too much.

Any ideas?

Thanks :D

Dec 8, 2011

Tamara H.

unfortunately you may have to break out of your shyness and do the promoting on social networking sites. you can probably do it in phases. maybe a video once a month. but i think if you want to get yourself out there that may be the only route to go. promoting on the networking sites and other pages. if you want a start you can maybe start on here and see how you would feel if you up to it. 

You can syndicate your blog through several sites, and add them to sites like bloglovin'... You can also do blog hops, and guest blogging to introduce new viewers/readers to your voice!

a great thing to do is just make friends, meet people on places like youtube and beautylish and talk to them 

Dec 10, 2011

Jasmin A.

Thank you guys for your reply!
Tamara, I feared that answer! But I guess I will have to break free from my shyness xP
Brenda, I will try :D

Dec 10, 2011

Tamara H.

give it time Jasmin. it would definitely happen. you can start off by doing with with people you are familiar with to just sort of break that ice. 

Dec 10, 2011

Jessica S.

Do up business cards with your blog, links etc printed on them & hand them out. You never know who you might meet if you push yourself... :)

Dec 11, 2011

Jasmin A.

Tamara, I am even shy around my friends and coworkers about make-up! LOL. I have no idea why. But I guess I will have to really push myself and break free from being shy.

Jessica, I never thought about that! But that sounds like a great idea! :D

Dec 11, 2011

Nikki B.

you can join Blog Hops. where you leave your link, people can check your blog out and you can find blogs to follow.

here is a link to one that runs on Mondays: , I love it for finding new blogs.

Feb 8, 2013

Taylor M.

Http://addictedtonailpaint. blogspot. com

Please check it out:]