Makeup Artist/Organizer- Help?


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you should contact muas and upcoming cosmetics lines in your area and see if they are interested in doing makeup parties...i know that alot of people do those where I am from....and its a great way to get your name out there and people start to know you and your work...dont be afraid to work for free or be paid in makeup in the beginning...everybody has to start at the bottom and work their way up....i cnt count how many people think they are going to make big money right at the beginning and are sadly disappointed because thats not how things work most of the time....unfortunately you have to prove your worth the money before anyone will want to spend the money...also come up with a business name and go and get the name licensed so that no one else can use it...once u have the business license in your hand you have proof that your legit...not just some random person off the street who is looking to entertain themselves until the next bright idea comes shows that you are serious about your company imo....once you have a loyal base in your area you can start branching out and lending your expertise to other companies hopefully more wide known companies and they will be the ones that have no problem paying for work they feel worth the money...hope this helps and good luck to u in your venture!!!