I Need Your Help to Stop Bullying


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Feb 14, 2012

Jaclyn S.

Hey beauty lovers! bullying is a huge issue today and I made a video called "A Note" explaining a note i got at school telling me to go die and that i was fat and obese and such
. Here is the link that video.

I really want Ellen to see this video since she is a huge supporter of ANTI BULLYING such as me. If she sees this video hopefully she can help make bullying stop in schools and get publicity around it.

Here is the link to the video where I explain how to send it and more and it includes all the links

if you could please take 5 minutes out of your day to fill out the info, copy and paste the link, and send it to ellen I would REALLY appreciate it.
the more people that send it the more chance she has to see it! THANK YOU!

Feb 14, 2012

Jaclyn S.

please help! bullying has to stop (:

I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Everyone gets bullied though, just like everyone ends up getting what they put out in the end. Stay positive though and just do what you do :)