Products + Suggestions For treating facial INGROWN HAIR (discoloration)


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Feb 19, 2012

Nadeem A.

yea lately ive realized that ingrown hair and discoloration due to shaving has become much more noticeable. its grown to be a very big insecurity.
i clean shave my mustache and sideburns every couple days. is there something i'm doing wrong through shaving that is causing this? What can or should i do to solve this problem?
What are some effective products?

any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

You can find 'anti'ingrown cremes in the "shaving' section of drug/beauty stores that will soothe the area. My suggestion being from a mediterranean background, Waxing/Lasering in 100 times better than shaving this area or threading if you have access to it, i have NEVER had ingrowns in that area.