Keeping Motivated


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How do you ladies and gent(s) keep yourselves motivated to do blog posts/videos? I seem to have hit a bit of a wall at the moment. I'm too busy to be recording right now anyhow, but when I go to write a blog I really don't know what to write about lately.

So how bout it, where do you find your motivation/inspiration?

NikkieTutorials' videos. She's the reason I kept going with mine (while xsparkage was the reason I started them, haha) so... I just think about that and keep on going. I get unmotivated a lot because of lack of feedback so I think about this all the time. c:

Oh, and since I normally get my looks from colours of Korean music videos, if an artist I really like came out with something good, that makes me really want to do a video. x]

Blog posts are harder though. I'm trying to get myself to do three right now, hahaha.

Feb 23, 2012

Gracey W.

When I get super busy I kind of put my blog on the back burner because it's not really at the top of my list of things to do. I usually just spend an hour or so on Stumbleupon or Pinterest or reading a magazine or something and eventually an idea will just kind of, come to me.

If no productive posts are coming to mind I honestly write whatever is on my mind at the moment. I just recently did an entire post about how much I love doughnuts because I was craving a doughnut. 

@Freddie Korean music videos, eh? A lot of your looks must turn out pretty crazy =P And blog posts ARE harder! Every time I think of something I think "That would be so much better as a video." and then I never get around to making the video. Terrible.

@Gracey I do the same thing, but I almost feel like I'm letting myself down when I don't post very much because I love to see my blog grow. Next time I'll give what's on my mind a try (:

Feb 24, 2012

Alexandra J.

Hi Dylan, Have you tried creating a schedule of when a post has to go up? Maybe if you gave yourself a deadline and stuck to it then you'd feel better about your blog.
For inspiration, what about things you find interesting? I love to travel, I love food, and I like to take pictures. If you wrote about things you find interesting and are passionate about when people read it they'll feel your excitement and I really think your blog will grow. For example, for travel I like to research places I want to visit and with the information I find I'm totally able to write a blog post. Or if you go to an amazing restaurant, people love to know about amazing food spots. Hope this helps :) 

Feb 24, 2012

Tanziina G.

I'm like you also Dylan, and keep quitting. However I've just started a 'series' where on week I will keep talking about a certain product or theme like nails. I find that in anticipation for that week, I write lots of posts so when the time comes I have a post for every day. 

Wow, you guys all have awesome answers!

@ Alexandra I've tried doing weekly segments, but I think I need to write them down in my agenda or something so that I remember to do them better. Thanks for your input (:

@ Tanziina I don't think I've ever all out quit (or tried to) my blog, I just keep putting it off because of life and stuff lol. I think I'm going to set up like two or three days a week on which I blog about certain things. Thanks for your help!

Feb 25, 2012

Soma S.

Hey Dylan, I'm currently on a hiatus with blogging... even though I had grandiose plans for it, life's priorities drop blogging down to zero importance. [It'd be great if I got it to work for me and generate income though... but it would never be enough.]

Even if you don't post on time, or frequently, AT LEAST post FOTD pics of anything relevant you would like to share... manicures seem to be the easiest for me, since I'm not as fashion savvy as I would like to do OOTD posts. Even posting about upcoming promotions for your favorite brands help too! Those are my shortcuts for days I don't have anything worth writing about, and people will still appreciate the effort. =D

[I'm such a hypocrite though... I need to post something for this month!]  =P

@Soma life happens for sure, things take priority. I think it's the same in everyone's life.
I do definitely have my NOTD posts at least once a week, which are steady, because I do my nails once a week =P 

Feb 25, 2012

Anjum C.

It's easier when you always have something to fall back on. If I don't have any video ideas, I can always come up with a tutorial or maybe a review. On my blog, I can always do nail of the day posts. Things that keep me motivated are people giving feedback and subscribing; what's really more important is the inspiration. I love my tumblr, because I fill it with pictures of things that I love, and so going there makes me feel inspired and then flipping through magazines is more of a concrete inspiration feeding directly to the beauty aspect of things.

HAHAAH. Nah, it's pretty much just me putting colours into any ordinary eyeshadow look. c: Although considering where I live........ bold colours would be counted as "pretty crazy" here. O.o Hahaha.