I'm Cutting My Hair! Why is it Such a Big Deal to My Mom?


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Jan 7, 2012

Indya S.

ok so i told my mom that i want my relaxed ends cut off and i want to go natural and she filpped out. maybe its her gen or whatever but WHY is it such a big deal, i mean i'm in college and i have time to try different things. she went on to say i didn't have the hair to got natural and i'm like WHAT its my hair its what i was born with, why do i have to relax my hair to make my hair what its not? like i don't get why she reacted like that its crazy. So if any of you guys have been thro this or something like it share it i would love to hear your story

Jan 7, 2012

KayNicole J.

My mom freaked out a little when I told her I wanted to stop relaxing my hair too. She would say stuff like "how are you going to comb through it?". It's funny because I find my hair to be easier to manage now that it's natural. However, I didn't cut my relaxed ends off, I just let my hair grow out. It's probably better to go ahead and get them cut off though. I say just go ahead and do whatever you need to do to go natural, and once your mom sees how healthy your hair is and that you are happy with it, she'll be fine.

Feb 11, 2012

Ari M.

my mom is a hairstylist and the only person who cut my hair for years, every time i wanted to cut it shorter she would say no and do what she wanted.. well in the past 1.5 years i been doing things to my hair color, treatments ,cutting ( i moved away). recently she saw my crazy cut and freaked out, she even said why would you do that, you look like a man.. lmao.. i recently came to visit her and she cant stop yapping about how short it is and how much older my haircut makes me look.. the pic in my profile is recent after it has grown about 3 inches.. ill post a pic of my craziest hairstyle.. I was just sick of my damaged hair..she needs to get over it. it is my hair and it will grow back. :)

Feb 12, 2012

Jennie A.

I think its just mothers in general. My mom freaked when i cut my hair shorter the ends were damaged and i wanted healthier looking and feeling and over better hair. I think theres something programed in their minds when we are born and little and so forth they get used to being able to do whatever they want with our hair because we arent old enough at the time to tell them or know any different. I think they look at us cutting our hair and taking over our hair ourselves as a form of rebeling. I could be wrong! I think you look great though!!!

I recently chopped my hair back into an A line, I personally love my hair short but have friends that believe, " women should have long hair" and absolutely hate the cut. I could honestly care less if my mom or friends don't like short hair on me, I LOVE it and that's all that matters, I feel some people are still stuck in the past ways of doing things. Do what YOU want with your hair not what other people want you to do =] 

Feb 20, 2012

Indya S.

lol our moms :) 

Feb 20, 2012

Indya S.


Feb 21, 2012

Catey P.

A couple summers ago, I chopped my hair off into a "boy cut" about an inch long- longer in the front and almost buzzed in the back. (It's important to know that when I was in high school, my hair was down to my butt.) When I came home for break, my mom flipped out. "Catey, it's OK if you're a lesbian. You can tell me! I'll still love you. Are you a lesbian? Just tell me!"

Good to know I have support, but I feel like that was jumping the gun a little bit!

Feb 21, 2012

Mindy N.

Haha, moms are soo silly!! I've always cut and colored my hair without my mom's consent when i was younger. She was always cool with it :)  

Mar 19, 2012

Bria K.

I definitely think it's a mix of the generational gap and the loss of power/say. My mom mostly freaked out about my dying my hair when I was younger, but she still had some issues with my more "rebellious" cuts, which in all honesty, were not very different. Just lots of layers and shortish

Jan 10, 2015

Ashley D.

I'm 14 and I told my mom I want to cut my hair short this summer, ( so that if I hated it I would have some time to grow it out a little before school starts) and she's like " book! Not your beautiful hair!" Because my entire family has stick strait, thin hair, and mine is thick and wavy.