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Dec 29, 2011

yasmin a.

how do i get rid of whiteheads without scarring ?!

Dec 30, 2011

Anastasia D.

Gently push on the top of it with an extra-thin needle (used for beaded jewelry). Then it should come out easily, when popped out. Then apply moisturizer with calming ingredients, such as aloe or zinc.

Dec 30, 2011

Joyce S.

Remember to sanitize your needle! I use this tool that has a sharp edge on one end, and a round thing to squeeze black/whiteheads. 

Dec 31, 2011

yasmin a.

but if i pick at / pop it wont it get bigger or scar ?

Dec 31, 2011

Angela W.

Of course your run the risk of scarring if you puncture the skin with a needle.. but are you really going to leave it on your face (probably not- i know i can't). Just be super careful, lancing can be dangerous. Great advice from Joyce.. sanitize! With rubbing alcohol at the very least, but remember, that doesn't kill everything. Not only are you running the risk of scarring but also introducing more bacteria among other nasty things into the area when you lance it. So I'd really think about it before you break out the needles.

If you really want to avoid damage you can try a drying technique (toothpaste, the asprin mask, benzoyl peroxide, or salycilic acid? But in the end, it's just a zit, it might not be the most attractive thing ever but it won't kill you to leave it alone. That said, no matter how much "helpful advice" I seem to be doling out here, you'll still catch me in the mirror with two q-tips and some fierce determination to get rid of that sucker.

Jan 3, 2012

yasmin a.

thank you everyone for your advice ;)

Jan 3, 2012

yasmin a.

and ok i will try whatever works