Stress and getting mad?


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all right lemme start explainig, recently I got a job at McD's, not the most glorious job, but helps to buy makeup :)
all right so the other day I was working.
was the morning shift, a lady and her family came to buy some food, because I'm new I don't know the menu as well as I wish, she get mad and starts screaming at me, I control myself and do not answer back, truth is I was furious( who likes when a total stranger yields at you).
question in your work have u ever had a similar experience, if so what happened and how did you react, and managed stress?

Oct 7, 2011

Ashley K.

People who are unhappy with themselves will do that. I used to work retail and I had that problem a lot. My co workers and I would always laugh it off. Don't take it personal sometimes people just don't know how to not be mean to other people, guess they were never taught if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything.

My best advice is really just to roll with it and laugh it off later and remember Karma will catch up with them <3

I always liked killing them with kindness too that always gets the best of someone who is mad and makes me smile lol :)

hahaha yeah, cuz really I am a person that is nice lol, but I hate when someone screams at me, I mean can't these people see is our job and some get mad cuz you forget something or a wrong order, or somethins as small as smiling at them :-?
weird people.
But what made me the most mad was that the woman was with her kid, I mean what kind of way is she raising that kid, but oh well like you said, LOL and don't let it bug thanx for writing back :) that helped a lot :X

Oct 7, 2011

Maria L.

I think everyone should have to work in some sort of service job. (like yours, or be a cashier, bagger or server) If everyone had to work in that type of job at one time in their lives then I think we, as a whole, will show more patience. I worked for years in the customer service field and had my fair share of rude customers (in person and on the phone). I know own my own small business, but that still does not mean I don't run into a meanie once in a while. I'm with Ashley...."kill them with kindness". When I'm dealing with a rude person I take a few deep breaths, do the best I can to put on a smile and then tell myself that I don't have to go home with that person. I have a direct impact on my immediate environment and I refuse to let a rude person, who is only a temporary visitor in my environment, ruin my entire day.

I think you did a great job in how you handled that situation. You should be proud of yourself. (I am proud of you) And congratulations on your job. Keep up the great work, it doesn't matter that it's at McDonald' earned that job and remember, do not despise humble beginnings. :-) 

I work at a fabric store. I once had a lady scream at me for ten minutes because she didn't know she couldn't return a remnant (clearance piece that was like $1.20), and she ended up returning it. The thing that bothers me the most about people screaming like that is when they get their way. Nobody needs $1.20 that badly. I stopped listening to her after like a minute because she was not saying anything of value to me.

I`m sorry, do you give your screaming child candy to make them stop? No. You don't, and they learn their lesson.

After her, I seriously went to the back room and vented for about twenty minutes. I do NOT like when people yell at me and I can't do anything about it. I pride myself in my customer service, and for her to suggest that I'm doing a less than desirable job is, quite frankly, a bitch slap in the face.

But the sad thing is, we can't do anything about it. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Really the only thing we can do is laugh it off, or go and vent about it in the break room =P

Obviously if she needs to yell at you for not giving her ketchup or whatever, she's not happy with herself. Shake it off babe, it's not you she's mad at, it's her crappy life.

I used to work at McDonalds! It was actually pretty fun because the whole crew was like a family and we actually hung out while we weren't working as well.

But yeah, I understand. I was an tax auditor for 4 years for small businesses so it was pretty personal. Occasionally, I had people screaming and swearing on the phone with me. If they were too belligerent, I would have to ask them to speak to me respectfully or I would have to let them go. One time I even had to have a police escort onto a property.

It's normal to be reeling after someone yells at you, and you did the right thing, not to react in front of them. Just try to think of her as a baby, crying on the floor because she didn't get what she wanted when she wanted...Haha!

Oct 7, 2011

Jalaina S.

I got upset today when I was at the gas station buying coffee and gas. The guy in front of me started going off on the cashier about the price of gas. Ok like they have any control on the price of gas?  ugh!

I'm so sorry you had to encounter that... sometimes, being in retail or service, you have to deal with people having a really crappy day and still smile about it - when in truth, it kills a part of you to have to stand there and bear it. =(

Everyone has a bad day, but I've dealt with people when I was a barista years back with bad attitudes. I was more of a shift lead, so I had more leeway as to how I could handle a customer... I found myself more often telling my staff that the customer was NOT always right, no matter how entitled they feel, NO ONE has the right to speak to ANYONE in that manner - especially if it was unprovoked.

I do understand your situation though... you can't quite stand up for yourself until you have mastered the ropes enough to back yourself up when someone gets angry. Just have patience. Once you've settled into your job, you'll realize which things are uncalled for or justified. There is always going to be HR, management or a hotline to call if there is anything you feel you need to talk about too. It's generic info, but it's the best way to approach the situation. Just don't forget that you don't have to take it all, and you CAN stand up for yourself when it is appropriate. =)

I find some people need to remember how to treat people in food service situations... I mean, come on! Haven't they seen the movie "Waiting"??? Hahaha... you NEVER treat people that handle your food badly! ESPECIALLY if you don't want a surprise in your food if you're a regular patron!  =P

hahaha thanx gouys you all are grat, hilarious, yeah is pretty darn hard to deal with a a person who had a crappy day, but for smile I give them all the time...
that day there was this other lady, she made my day.
SHe was like "Hello there, you know you are cute" who doesn't like to get a complement, right?
and the she is like, a what a nice guy, always smiling lol :)
and yeah the job is not great, but the crew is realy nice, and thanx for the reply you guys <3

Oct 8, 2011

Jane A.

I haven't really worked directly with customers. I did work in a clothing store for a day, and I didn't encounter a rude customer, just workers who thought they were better/higher than me.

Most of my jobs have been office jobs, but I did have to deal with rude customers, because I did work for a company that had clients/customers daily (non-profit company and a historical museum company). I hated when customers were like "BECAUSE OF YOU, MY EXPERIENCE WAS BAD... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT..." blah blah blah. Once the words "YOU" or "YOUR" is thrown, my blood starts to boil because I have never met this person in my life, yet they think I owe them something.

I had a lady call and complain about her trip to the museum... mind you, she voiced her opinions to some other employees that day, and pretty much got her admissions fee and what not comp... or got free stuff, just to make her visit more pleasant. But then she called a few days later to complain, and tried to throw (Well I spoke to so-and-so *insert the CEO's name here* and he mentioned I would get this refunded and that refunded.) The she got a refund (on top of he refund she got back that day... GRRR).

Or I've dealt with people mention, I know so-and-so just to try and get a deal. It's like really??!? If I could throw around, I know so-and-so -- do you know how much discounts/free stuff I could get?!? But I don't, why.... because I rather have them make money versus not making money (I rather help their business, then hurt it).

Oct 9, 2011

Jessica S.

I have found that as you go on through life, go through different jobs etc you will always come across people like this. Its a big shame people have to act this way, they must be so unhappy in their own lives to take it out on others, especially strangers. Its best not to say anything to them. You'll learn to deal with it slowly & roll with it as you go on, like I have. Being angry about is only natural. I've been in MANY situations where this has happened. I look back, laugh & think of how stupid those people are. I hope you do to x x

Thank you guys, really killing them with kindness works a ton more :)
worked for me today...
yeah another hard day, but thanx for telling me about ur experiences and sharing some stories, I really appreciate all of them, and thanx again for being such great U guys <3