Iphone 4s so off topic


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Ok loves so I'm super excited about this phone because it's coming out on Sprint in a few days and I get to pre-order it! I've been holding on to my upgrade discount forever just to get it lol. I just had to express my happiness! Thanks for reading lol


Oct 8, 2011

Nicole M.

My iPhone 4 was stolen two weeks ago so I've ordered the new one with the insurance money. Something good had to come out of the hassle! :)

Oct 8, 2011

Shelly T.

(This should be in General. If a staffer can move this, that'd be awesome.)

I cannot believe that Sprint has the iPhone now! IF I ONLY WAITED ONE MORE YEAR...argh

Oct 10, 2011

Rebecca B.

I do really want the iphone 4s cause my iphone4 has been acting up! :(
xoxo http://rebeccablackerby.blogspot.com