Are tattoos beauty?


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So I know a lot of people dislike tattoos but me, I love them!

I'm not really looking for your opinion on tattoos per say, but I was wondering if you consider a tattoo part of the general term beauty.

I mean, it's a modification to your body that in my opinion can make someone more beautiful - it's pretty much like a permanent make-up to me.

I'm asking this because I came across a discussion on another site (which only the deities know why I go on because it makes me so angry!) about how tattoos shouldn't be classed under it because they are awful, but isn't beauty relevant to the individual?

As a side note, I am a confessed ink addict.

Mar 11, 2011

Amanda K.

beauty is definitely relevant to the individual! some girls look great with them.. but im not a fan.. i wanted a side piece a few years back.. still kinda would, but im fickle and would change my mind about it shortly after.. and now that ive had a child... im glad i didnt get any! lol.. besides that i just like the look of a womans body and appreciate its beauty the way it is.. i love skin.. some people can rock tats, and it can enhance certain parts of them.. but when they fade and stuff? bleh.. i hate permanent makeup more though so i wouldnt compare them...tattoos can be way prettier than permanent makeup.. poorly lined lips are bad enough just in pencil, let alone in permanent ink embedded into your dermis.. plus, makeup trends change.. if you get your eyebrows tattooed, what if you want to change the shape afterwards? yick.

piercings though, im all for.. i couldnt live without my nostril piercing, i feel it really enhances my face.. some piercings though, just like some tattoos, look stupid and just distract from the natural beauty of a face, rather than enhance it.. but piercing leave a little mark when you decide you arent digging them anymore.. tattoos are so expensive to remove.. i think im biased because i saw what my dads tattoos faded into now that hes fifty something.. shudder..

all in all-to each their own. i think any expression of oneself is lovely, but personally, i like my virgin skin =]

Ana C.

Mar 11, 2011

Ana C.

I think some are beautiful. I don't care if tattoos have a "deep meaning." I like them for art's sake. I don't really like them for myself because I don't like the idea of permanence. I do like piercings!

Things I don't like: Tramp stamps, using a foreign alphabet if you are not a descendant of that country and zodiacs. Also, cartoon characters. 

i like how ana put it, tattoos are art which is why its so awesome to see how portraits and other peices are formed!
I LOOOVE flower tattoos they are stunning! but i think people take it way to far with some of the crap they get tattooed as well!

i have virgin skin as well and i think ill keep it that way till after my wedding photos are taking haha

Mar 12, 2011

Chelsey M.

Tattoo's are very artistic and beautiful on people. I'm in favor of them having a meaning to someone and not just being some random thing because it's cute or some grotesque creature or something. I like tattoos with a nice meaning behind them.. they're something you won't regret :) Your body is a canvas...

I agree with Chelsey in the way that I think tattoos should have meaning. Even if it is because you love a certain flower or you have always loved stars. Mine all have meanings so I would never regret them as every time I am reminded of one of my pieces I smile at the memory and feelings they create.

@Ana C - I hope you don't take this personally because it really isn't but I detest how people use the word Tramp Stamp. For instance, if I where to say I have a tattoo on my tailbone/bottom back - you would probably say yes, that is a tramp stamp BUT if I where to go on and explain that for years I have donated and volunteered for Amnesty International and I have the logo (candle and barbed wire) at the bottom of my back - could you call that a tramp stamp? I couldn't!

@Amanda K I don't think growing old and fading tattoos should stop anyone from getting them. I got a tattoo re-done recently and it looks brand new and I'm only 22 so I still got 20/30 or so years before I get to the old, wrinkly and disgusting bit xD

I love tattoos. I really love when it symbolizes something very special and meaningful. 

Nov 30, 2011

Kailyn D.

I have tattoos on the tops of my feet, both of my parents are covered in tattoos! haha :) i love tattoos, its a way of expressing yourself! Just like you do with your makeup! I paint and draw so tattoos also appeal to me in an artistic way! ive designed my next tattoo :) ill post a pic after this comment :) hehe  

Nov 30, 2011

Kailyn D.

I think i want to make the tail swoop down to be right above my toosh :) haha but im letting my tat artist have free reign with the color since he is brilliant with it! But I would like to just say to @Ana i agree with you on some of that but, i am not descended from the jewish culture, but my dad when he was in the military (he was a navy seal in the gulf war) got my name tattooed on his wrist in hebrew when i was born, so im getting a quote my mother told me written in hebrew so symbolize them both so i dont think that always applies! but i see what you are saying! :) sorry if im boring you all i just love tattoos! :) haha 

Nov 30, 2011

Victoria S.

I think tattoos are absolutely beautiful. Beauty, of course, is always in the eye of the beholder, which always causes dispute. I say, your skin, your opinion! Our editorial team recently wrote an article about gorgeous tattoos, you should check it out for inspiration! xo

I absolutely think tattoos are beauty, that's why the people that create them are considered artists. A well-designed tattoo can be one of the most beautiful things in the world and I believe it's an honor to have a piece of art resting on your body.

Tattoos are beauty. They're works of art that last a lifetime.

One thing that I absolutely cannot stand is celebrity tattoo copycats. While there are the well known and popular designs (stars, swallows, etc.) it's almost cringeworthy when people try to replicate an EXACT design. Where's the originality in that?

Dec 2, 2011

Shelley W.

As a proud wearer of ink I find them to be a part of my beauty and I plan on adding a few more to represent my two other children (my first one is in honor of my daughter who at 6 months showed interest in butterflys). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Yup... It is, and just like beauty, it ages. That's what makes things beautiful... Because it can't maintain it's original beauty forever... And that's where subjective taste kicks in: at what point do you think it's beautiful? When it's brand new? Healed over after a year? Or even in old age?

I'm a big fan of tattoos and no tattoos. What breathes life into them is the person that chooses to (or not) wear them. =]

OMG - Like this?

This has been floating around the internet for a bit, and seriously... ouch.

Dec 2, 2011

Meidy M.

Personally, I wouldn't get one. I've actually thought about it but always ended up not getting one. But I think it really depends on what kind of tattoo you have. Other than that I see tattoos as a form of art. I really like the way some girls get cherry blossoms as a tattoo. It's so pretty! 

Dec 2, 2011

Ana M.

less is more with tattoos. these days we have crazies walking around with naked women covering there forearm... my sister actually owns a tattoo shop and ive seen it all. My conclusion to it all is there has to be meaning behind something that will cover you until the day you die. Another point is the place you choose to get a tattoo. GIRLS it is not attractive to get a tattoo across your boobs.. not only is that sucker permanent,.. its simply trashy :) 

Dec 2, 2011

Ana M.

If you didnt read that close enough... meaning is everything.. im not hating. simple making a point.

Nov 11, 2012

Lauren P.

"Your body is a temple, why not decorate the walls?"

Nov 13, 2012

Alice H.

@Bianca, I think it depends on what you're copying. I plan on getting a symbol for my favorite band that the lead singer has tattooed on him. It's a copycat, technically, but I'm getting it for personal reasons having to do with the band, so it symbolizes something more than just "omg i love him"

Nov 13, 2012

Joey B.

its art some are beautiful some are not..... but remember true beauty is on the inside and in the eye of the beholder

Nov 13, 2012

Niki C.

I have 13 tattoos and I wouldn't say they're "beauty" but art definitely! 

Feb 5, 2013

Miah A.

for me beauty is the real you not things you add onto your body. i consider my body as a canvas and tattoos art :)

Feb 5, 2013

Sarah G.

As you can see I have tattoos. Now does everyone like them? no. Do people think I'm ugly because of them? maybe. but if I had no would I still be beautiful or gorgeous in everyone's eye's? probably not. Its to each their own really. I made my tattoos apart of me and I see the beauty in others who see fit to do the same rather they're covered in head to toe body modification or completely bare skin. 

Mar 13, 2013

Kim J.

Tattoos are pretty! I personally love them, and cannot wait to get more. I have them for me, not for anyone else. I also have permanent eyeliner. I guess it's all in personal tatste.