What product do you recommend for . . . .


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Hi Kristina,

There's a product called Saviour by Antipodes (http://www.antipodesnature.com) that claims to lighten scars. It's a balm and it comes in a super cute metal case. Hope this helps!


check out pursebuzz on youtube for at home skin remedies for acne scars and acne and fresh skin<3 she has the best advice. 

I'd say check out the beauty or blemish balms as well. I started using one last week and can already tell a huge difference and fading of the acne scars.

Also, Im not sure if they have a Clarisonic or something similar in Japan, but those buff out and exfoliate the skin dramatically. So it will peel away the dead skin cells and cause new growth, which will slowly fade your acne scars away as well. Hope that helps :)

Someone came out with a new product that is supposed to help diminish acne scars. I can't remember the name of the brand, but I know they have commercials for it and all I can remember is they show it and a lady touches the words and they disappears and then 3 women stare into the camera for the rest of the commercial. ill post as soon as I can figure out what it is.
I heard aloe vera works too and once Andrea's Choice mentioned something about exfoliation for helping with acne scars when she was giving away a Clairsonic.

Jun 23, 2011

Arie C.

From what I've heard, washing your face with honey, and doing honey and sugar scrubs on yor face eventually fades acne scars. Jennacore on youtube pretty much swears by it.