Microdermabrasion / Chemical Peel


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Apr 29, 2011

Nicole A.

i had a very severe acne during my teen years. now i just break out once in a while. besides that, my past acne left horrible scars. dark/red spots and herendous pitted scars... like craters in moon! all over my cheeks and my temples : ( i have been contemplating about doing some work on my face like Microdermabrasion or Chemical Peel. my question is which one should i go for?? i wish you can help me dolls : (

Apr 30, 2011

Angela W.

I've done a bit of research on both of these since I'm considering a procedure like this myself. The red Acne scars can be treated topically if you want to try that first- I'm using Murad's skin lightening serum with Hyroquinone ($60) for some hyperpigmentation and Acne scarring and I've had good results fading the areas (about 50% lighter after three weeks). But you were talking about scarring too and this product won't do a thing for that.

If your Acne pitting is really deep you might not be satisfied with the results of microdermabrasion since it only blasts the top layer of skin. There's a "deeper" version of the procedure called dermabrasion but be ready for a big pricetag and quite a long recovery time. It's a pretty major procedure where risk factors like infection and scarring from the aggressive procedure itself!

Chemical peels really interest me but kind of freak me out. You're essentially burning the top layers of you skin off with acid so then the dead skin will peel off- hopefully revealing nice new skin underneath. I read that this isn't really that good for deep lines/acne pitting/or other deep scars.

A lot of plastic surgeons/dermatologists will do a free consultation with you and go over all of the details. They might also have some before and after photos. Internet research is always a plus but there's a lot of garbage on the web, too. I would definitely make sure you talk to a real pro (not just some salon on the corner) before you make a choice about any of these! Good luck and hope this helped a lil!! : )

Jul 2, 2011

Deidrene C.

hi there. for two weeks ive been using an at home chemical peel: lactic acid 40%. i can see improvements in the tone of my skin. i got it from a website called makeup artists choice. http://www.makeupartistschoice.com here is the link. hope that helps

Jun 22, 2012

Anna K.

Thanks Deidrene I just ordered the same thing can't wait to try it!