Does anyone care that they're using products that are tested on animals


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I've read so many posts when people are saying their favourite products are ones that are tested on animals. Am I really the only one on here that cares about that? Because if so, I'm ashamed.

I haven't actually gone through everything I own to determine which products have been tested on animals or not. Considering that I love cheese, eggs, honey and meat on top of being a fan of leather accessories I'm not sure that my conscientiousness would hold for much, would it?

Despite all of that, I do think it's important for companies to be transparent about their testing policies, so that people have the option of making an informed choice about their purchases. It's annoying when a company outsources to get around red tape, but if their suppliers do - it amounts to the same thing.

Nov 14, 2010

Emma H.

I'm totally against animal testing. I only really use drugstore brands and ive heard that some of the most popular brands like Rimmel, Maxfactor and Maybelline all test on animals.
I've read some of the statments (i dont know what there actually called) which should say whether or not they test on animals and they are always unclear, im not sure if this is trying to trick people into thinking they dont test on animals or if they actually dont i dont know.
But because I mainly buy from drugstores, yes i would feel very guilty if the products are tested on animals but these are the only decent products that are in my price range.

I LOVE Revlon, they don't test on animals, but sadly most other drugstore brands do, like L'Oreal, Maybelline, etc. I live in Canada so I have different brands here, then in the States, we don't have maxfactor.
Almay is also another brand that doesn't test on animals, you can go on the caringconsumer website to get a HUGE list of companies that don't test on animals.

Tamara, I'm not a Vegan, I could never do it but I don't eat meat. When I started getting information about being a Vegetarian, and animal testing I still bought leather accessories, I don't anymore, considering I get things cheaper since it's a man made material. You should really make the change, I don't want to be pushy or anything but if you've actually seen what the animals have to go through on a daily basis you'd know where I'm coming from.

Nov 15, 2010

Tree S.

I care, very much.

I had a hunch something like this would come of responding to this post. Ah well.

I'm familiar with Caring Consumers, but I openly disagree with PETA's extremist publicity stunts. And even though it garners attention for their cause, I feel like it undermines their good intentions. I know would be extremely angry if someone assaulted me for my mascara choice, or broke into my car to slash the leather seats because they were offended by my choices.

If someone doesn't like what I do to the point of causing personal distress, they should consider not associating with me. There's no need for anything other than agreeing to disagree. For the most part I can appreciate and sometimes respect differing opinions, but I will never appreciate or respect people who feel a misplaced sense of entitlement when it comes to pushing their views on others whether it's subtle or forceful.

I have learned that, a lot of the time products say "not tested on animals" it doesn't mean in the process that animals were not tested on, it just means the final product was not tested on them. So some people are still using animal tested products thinking they are not. If you prefer truly non animal tested products, make sure to do your research further than the print on the product.

Jamie D.

Nov 17, 2010

Jamie D.

Companies often say that they don't test finished products on animals, like Bath and Body Works, and that pisses me off more than them saying nothing at all. I'm not dumb, I know you at least test individual ingredients on animals. While I try to stay clear of animal testing (I buy mostly Revlon, Almay, and Jane now) it is hard to avoid. I'm going to keep buying leather shoes though because I'm allergic to many man made materials.

Jamie D.

Nov 17, 2010

Jamie D.

@Tamara totally agree! Using violence for animals is like the opposite of what PETA is supposed to stand for. 

I completely understand where you're coming from Ashley, I too am a vegetarian and i make sure to buy products not tested on animals. It is my personal choice, and I can't really tell others what they should do, whether i am being subtle or more blunt about it.
PETA is really an awful organization, and they get far to carried away with their protests and it often does harm animals during the process of trying to save them.
I honestly think this topic is quite personal, and is of personal opinion. I'm happy with the choice I made about being a vegetarian and doing what i can to purchase animal friendly products.
This topic can also get quite touchy and people will get defensive or upset, so brace yourself.. :)