Chapped Lips and best inexpensive lip balm


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Hey girls what DIY tips do you guys do to get rid of chapped lips and what type of drugstore lip balms are your faves?

Oct 14, 2010

Victoria S.

Great question Janella! For uber chapped lips, I do an assortment of things :)

1. "Exfoliate" your lips with a soft baby toothbrush (don't press too hard, light rubbing motions)
2. SLATHER on a thick balm or jelly on lips overnight to let them soak (I love using Aquaphor for this) If you're not a fan of petroleum jelly for any reason, there's a brand that makes Unpetroleum Jelly that's a slightly thinner consistency, but still moisturizing.

3. Make sure to eat your omega 3 and good fats! Sounds weird, but my lips feel more plumped and hydrated when I'm eating the right kind of good fats for my skin :)

Hope this helps! xoxo

Oct 14, 2010

Elize M.

I love the Nivea Kiss of moisture..So smooth. If I need to exfoliate and dont have a lip exfoliant i sometimes use St. Ives apricot scrub and put a little on my finger, add warm water, mix and lightly rub on ur lips! Instant SMOOTHNESS! xoxox

Oct 14, 2010

Romee H.

For exfoliate, I mix honey and brown sugar! Rub it on lips and leave it on for few sec does great job!! After that put Vaseline or Vitamin E oil for over night~ 

Thanks girls, I sometimes use the tooth brush method and apricot scrub

Oct 14, 2010

Elize M.

& its Nivea Kiss of Smoothness actually not a Kiss of Moisture... 

Oct 15, 2010

Louise R.

Aquaphor! This has saved my lips and I've tried everything from carmex to La mer lip balm. It's described as an ointment and it's one of those products that can be used for lips, cracked heals, and dry elbows. Super inexpensive and last a long time.

YES to Carrots Mint lip butter is my new fave!

Oct 15, 2010

Kristen I.

I love Yes To Carrots and EOS lip Balm

Oct 17, 2010

Kat P.

i exfoliate by mixing virgin olive oil, sugar and honey. then i put on Smith's Rosebud Salve after. i love this lip balm better than carmex and burt's bees. it's very moisturizing!! you can get it from sephora :)

i love using burt's beeswax lip balm! it's only $2.50-$3 in any drugstore/grocery store. and sometimes i like to put jojoba oil on my lips before i go to bed :) 

Oct 17, 2010

Kristen A.

I make sure to apply a moisturizing chapstick before bed and I use Nivea's Kiss of Moisture as needed throughout the day and my lips stay smooth. When they used to get chapped I used Carmex.

Oct 17, 2010

Charlene F.

For me the best thing for dry lips is vasoline rosy lips. I love it and it mega inexpensive only £0.99

Oct 17, 2010

Liana B.

omg what a great discussion because i have the worst chapped lips all the time! i use Smith's Rosebud Salve and EOS those! Have you guys heard of bag balm? It's kind of like vaseline..I use that too sometimes

Fabulous topic for a discussion! I have incredibly chapped lips because I'm taking Accutane for my acne treatment. I do exactly what Victoria S. mentioned and it helps a lot, but I don't use Aquaphor in the daytime because it's too messy. I've tried the products Liana B. talked about, but they tend to make the situation worse after a week of use (probably just me...). Surprisingly, the best chapstick was this free Toyota chapstick from an event that I attended! lol 

Oct 18, 2010

Christina R. check out how to fix chapped lips!

Oct 18, 2010

Tami Y.

I love Burt's Bee's lip balm with Pomegranate Oil. More moisturizing than the original formula. 

Apply butter (unsalted) or olive oil before going to bed. I get horribly chapped lips if I take anti-biotics, and these fix my lips. 

Hey! My fave is Nivea Lip Soothe and Protect SPF 15 (light blue tube). (I like the Nivea Lip Essential too (dark blue tube)). I do have a big pot of Vaseline which I use at night. I used to use the little tins of Vaseline during the day but I found once it wore off my lips were dryer, the Nivea balm moisturises for a lot longer.

Oct 20, 2010

Meghan M.

I love Neosporins Lip guarantees in 3 days your lips will noticeably look better...and mine did! They were so horrible (practically bledding) chapped, and this fixed them right away!

Oct 23, 2010

Lex R.

Carmex Lip Balm. I've been having it sent to me from the US for years. It's simple and effective.

Oct 23, 2010

Lex R.

Despite the camphor (which is also responsible for the slightly cooling sensation upon application), I have had NO problems. Beeswax-based lipbalms such as Burt's Bees have, however, resulted in a whitish residue on my lips. Then again, I might be a mutant.

Oct 24, 2010

Susana E.

Hands down Burt's Bee's lipbalms

Oct 25, 2010

Charissa S.

EOS lipbalm in Honey Dew and SummerFruit. They are extremely moisturizing and they smell great!

Oct 25, 2010

Marieca L.

Neosporins new lip balm is amazing! Its moisturizing not greasy and it heals not just temporarily covers chapped lips.