Sleeping with Makeup?


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Mar 25, 2011

Jane A.

Back in the day, Middle School and the beginning of Highschool days, I slept with my make up on, didn't have to really "wash" it (just the normal body wash, or whatever I could get my hands on aka whatever my mom used), etc. People would say "wow your skin is flawless, what is your secret?" I told I don't really have one, and I sleep with my make up on.

I regret not taking care of it, cause after the first break out (and probably touching it and having the acne spread), I break out easy. So throughout the later years of highschool, I had to battle with acne and what not.

Fast forward, with two kids, job, school... family, I'm exhausted at night. I USED to sleep with my makeup on due to the fact I was super tired. But I've been paying for it lately... my stubborn acne is proof. So now no matter how tired I am, I force myself to stay up an extra 5 minutes so I can go to the bathroom and really wash my face off of makeup. (Most times, I just have foundation, my eyebrows, and eyeliner on).

I hear some mineral makeup are ok to sleep with, but it still felt icky comes morning time. That and I hear, for every night you sleep with your makeup on, your skin ages 3 days. After hearing that, with my stubborn acne/oily/sensitive skin, I wash my face before going to bed ALWAYS. (sorry long post)

Mar 25, 2011

Nikki T.

I am guilty out of laziness. My husband bought me a pack of face wipes and them on my night stand, so there is no reason for me to not use one. I found that the huge pack of Kirkland wipes from COSTCO are just as good if not better as MAC wipes.

Mar 25, 2011

Felicia F.

I have, until I noticed breakouts and dryness of my skin, also eyelashes falling off because of old dried mascara. Ever since then, I've made sure that no matter how tired I am, I HAVE to remove my makeup. I just moved my Say Yes to Cucumbers facial wipes to beside my bed.

BEST PRODUCT EVER! I'd definitely reccommend it. It makes you actually want to remove it because it gives you such a nice, fresh feeling, and takes off every ounce of makeup! Try it, and you'll have no trouble not wanting to remove it at night! :)

but it definitely is good for you and your skin to remove it at night! :)

Mar 25, 2011

Amanda K.

i kinda like the way makeup looks the morning after, just saying.

Mar 25, 2011

Lisa C.

Ditto to keeping the wipes by the bed! We have nicknamed our wipes the "party momma" wipes because they are full of Peptides! So no matter how late you stay up you can still look refreshed in the morning! 

Mar 25, 2011

Jasmine H.

At first, I would fall asleep with it on. But now, I make sure to remove my make-up all the time. I even get paranoid if I take a nap with it on and I don't plan on going out again afterwards. The few times I did fall asleep with make-up on, I usually wake in the night paranoid. lol Like most, if I'm too tired to wash, I at least use a wipe.

Mar 25, 2011

Hanh M.

Hi Victoria! I can never do it, Its like a #1 must for me, I use to wipes to make sure its completely off and then i go ahead and wash my face

Ana C.

Mar 25, 2011

Ana C.

I do it more than I'm willing to admit (I'm gross, I know). My skin doesn't break out very easy so it doesn't get clogged and leave a break out in it's wake.

Guilty as charged! Lol I do, but most of the time I try to take it off. There are nights that I am exhausted and just want to jump in the sheets with my son and husband! I hate the feeling of having it on at night though...especially because I get pretty oily mid-day. It feels gross if I don't wipe it off and wash my face...but my lazy side takes over once in a while. :-/

Dec 7, 2012

Laura H.

I always intend to take it off and 9x out of 10 I do. sometimes I am too tired and for that reason keep neutrogena wipes in my nightstand. 

Dec 7, 2012

Denisha D.

For me its a must . My boyfriend would not like to wake up next to me looking like a zombie . Lol 

Dec 7, 2012

Violett J.

Aghhh ! I sleep with makeup on like 2 times a week ! Thank The Lord I have not gotten any blemishes or pimples ! But you girls are scaring me with your facts so ill quit it ! 

Dec 7, 2012

Maranda E.

Removal MUST for me because I end up getting more acne them I have

Removal is a must. It is so unhealthy for your skin and eyes to sleep in your cosmetics. Just eww! haha!

Dec 8, 2012

Betsy C.

Noooo. Clogs your pores, causes breakouts.

Dec 8, 2012

Brianne D.

Yup I agree with Betsy

Is the wort thing u can so, if I'm soo tired I still use a makeup wipe to take off what I can then go to bed 

Dec 9, 2012

Geena D.

No matter how tired I may be after a long night, I always make sure I at LEAST wash my face, even if I don't get all of it off. It's so unhealthy for your skin and your pillowcase is disgusting after! 

Feb 13, 2013

Promise D.

Removal is a MUST for me. Your face gets oily so your pores open and the makeup clogs them. Ew, ahha.

Feb 13, 2013

Jaye R.

I do sometimes but always regret it when I wake up sallow faced and full of break outs! Not worth the laziness when it takes so long for my skin to recover :(

Feb 13, 2013

Jaye R.

Maybe I'll start keeping wipes and a moisturizer by my bed just in case lol good idea when I'm too exhausted to really wash up

Jun 29, 2014

Sabrina J.

I try really hard not to so I rarely sleep with my makeup but if I do then I try wiping off just the foundation and concealer while I'm in my bed so it doesn't clog my pores I also have acne prone skin If however I do sleep with my makeup it's usually just the eye make cause I end up talking off my base while I'm in bed with makeup wipes but make sure in the morning to wash your face nicely with a make remover face wash and then use a toner after.