BitchSlap- Cosmetics??


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Andrea F.

Jan 29, 2011

Andrea F.

VERY pigmented, awesome stuff! I think you'll love the products. 

great luv, thanks. 

Jan 31, 2011

Winnie K.

I heard it has really great colors!

I love the brand i promote for them and one of there promoters they also have new paint wheels out so don't forget to check it out.

Feb 2, 2011

Linda D.

Does anyone know how pigmented there blushes are? I think the packaging is extremely cute. Really looking into purchasing one.

I would LOVE to know what you think of the line when you get your order! The line looks really cute :) Looking forward to the review!

Feb 15, 2011

Luna V.

I'm not sure if it's still common practice for them, but I remember hearing a LOT over the summer about this particular company and some shady dealings. Pretty sure their matte pigments were actually tempera paint powder, which is incredibly unsafe for eye use.

Not going to tell anyone not to buy, since I have not personally used any of the product myself, but I'd be careful. Do some research on the ingredients before buying or putting them on your skin. Maybe they've reformulated their products, I haven't been keeping up. 

some people said it was paint they use in there products :(

I think its an amazing line but every one has there own opinion so my guess is to try it out first and see what you like and don't like about it ...Me i love the stuff and can't get enough at also use code prettymzgrace to get 15% off.

Feb 23, 2011

Neelam S.

keep me posted when you get the order :) 

There's a lot of haters out there and like to bash others out i think the company is legit and i have had no problems with the products there pretty safe..... everyone will always have there own opinion.

Feb 24, 2011

Luna V.

With any new company (I say new as in started within the last 10 years--vs brands like Lancome, Chanel, Maybelline, etc. have been around for decades), you're going to get issues. Whether it's product prototypes not working as planned, negative customer feedback, or unplanned customer service issues, there's always bugs to work out. Some people react violently to this and start CRAZY INTERNET DRAMA, which is really the only thing I've heard about this company--drama. But, I have certainly purchased from some amazing companies that have been the center of a lot of Internet drama with no issue.

That said, I have not purchased from this company. I don't think I can, after hearing such dire things about the safety of their products. But that does not mean I would tell anyone else not to purchase, this is simply an choice I've made after doing some research for myself. Not "hating," just stating what I've heard and how I've handled it. Chances are, with all the drama they experienced, they've reformulated the products and started buying from different suppliers. So they probably have worked out the safety bugs. 

Well i never stated you was a hater....I mean like you said a new company that is bringing in so much attention is gonna bring in alot of negative vibes and critics ..... There stuff is pretty safe before and after if you look at it this way any makeup products that have Parabeans can cause cancer and lots of cosmetics have them so what won't harm you??

Types of Parabens: * Butylparaben * Isobutylparaben * Ethylparaben * Methylparaben * Propylparaben

Feb 24, 2011

Luna V.

I try my hardest to stay away from parabens entirely, which is actually easier than most people think. Like anything else, once you're consciously reading labels, they're easy to avoid. And these days, with all the health-hype out there, a lot of companies are either not using preservatives at all or finding alternatives.

But yeah, like you said, any new company on the rise is going to find opposition. I'm almost more amazed when I find an online company that doesn't have any drama surrounding it. 

Yeah your right thanks for understanding and talking with me with out the drama and arguing a lot of people need to be like that. =]

Feb 24, 2011

Luna V.

Yeah, I just don't get it. Drama takes all the fun out of make-up, doesn't it? ;)

I have a couple of their products && love them. The ONLY problem I have is shadows with glitters in them, the glitters tend to fall out anyway && their black eyeshadow is very hard to blend out! But besides that the colors are very pigmented && last forever!! Even when you want to take it off it's a process!! It's great!

@ Luna yes it does =] yeah it is but i find if you apply a primer first and then add a base like NYX jumbo pencil in milk when your ready to wipe off it comes right off. =]

i have never tried them but i did see a video before on how they are not very good for the skin. someone did the water test on them and they proved to be poor quality but everyone seems to love them :S

Feb 28, 2011

Lanesha M.

The lady who is a representative of their company keeps saying that their products are "pretty safe". In my opinion, safety is one of those things that either it is or it is not. It can't be kinda safe or pretty safe or sorta safe or safe on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If I'm going to put it on my eyes or on my face, I need for it to be as safe as possible and if it's a product that isn't meant to be used on the eyes, I need to be warned. MAC has a number of pigments that are not meant to be used on the eyes. They warn you on the packaging that these are not meant to be used on the eyes. I watched some of Kathy's videos from like.. a year ago.. where she used the paint wheels (?) on her eyes. I went to the website of ladyburd (who manufactures the cosmetics being sold as Bitch Slap Cosmetics) and all of the paint wheels except one are listed as not being safe for eyes. People fail to realize that eye makeup is serious business. You could get an infection in your eye, and quite possibly go blind from using the wrong product. Also, when the representative of the company that is making comments on this site made the statement about parabens it was like she was saying "Nope, our product isn't safe, but neither is theirs" WTF? Really? lol. Of course there's been much said about parabens in cosmetics but that's not the issue being discussed here. The issue being discussed here is whether or not Bitch Slap Cosmetics are as safe as the standard cosmetics brand. After watching the water test as well as reading reviews of customers who have had negative reactions to this product, i think that I'll skip this brand. Such a shame because the concept is pretty awesome. I'm not a hater, I've just done my research.

Well good for you.

And in no way of shape of form i am saying it is not safe if people take the time to read the ingredients that is listed on the products and the website i am pretty sure they can make there own opinions can't always go by what some people tell you.

@LanishaM and@LunaV thanks so much for your taking the time to research the cosmetics line. Befor I ever ordered the product I heard about all the drama as well and almost didn't want to order it was so much negativity ,and a BIG thanks to everyone who commented on my post. I will say this though, wither you represent a company or not being on the defense mode about comments about a product is so beyond me.I love Mac but if someone does not like it that is there opinion. ANYWHO!
I did recieve my shipment and DRUM ROLLLLL........
i was satisfied,and I would order again.
I recieved the
1.Psycho bitch
2.Green eyed bitch
3.Slap a Bitch
4.Bruised Bitch
5.Devious Bitch
right now these are just to sample the product and i love the black with the glitter in it. ALTHOUGH it has A LOT OF FALL OUT! most of the matte's do though, so @jessenia you were right. this product definately requires a primer befor application but i will say this ALL of the colors in my PSYCHO BITCH palate are highly pigmented especially the blue..(its better than the electric eel by mac). I am not the biggest fan of pigments at the moment although i own hundereds from mac but i am going to try and sample the one's from bitchslap-cosmetics.(WHEN I SAY SAMPLE I MEAN PURCHASE TO SEE IF I'LL EVER BUY THE PRODUCT AGAIN).

Mar 6, 2011

Amanda C.

I've heard she doesn't make her own makeup. She just repackages.

basically but she does state it's a 3rd party distributer, i'm guessing you can order from lady byrd or something. someone posted a link earlier that you can go research more from hun