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Feb 11, 2011

Jenny M.

What's your favorite products from Clinique?

And does their anti-aging stuff work?

And do you know any reccomendations for anti-aging stuff from Sephora,? Or anywhere else? 

Feb 11, 2011

Ning C.

I'm a big fan of Clinique's Even Better. It helps fade the brown, sun damage spots on my face.

Feb 11, 2011

Candice M.

I love Clinique's Even Better, and their Super balanced Powder. I use all of their products on my face. Pore minimizer is great too! 

I have used Clinique since I was 15 and have been able to stick with the brand for 21 years. I love their anti-aging products - they are highly effective and affordable to the department store diva.

Personally, I use 3-Step with Liquid Facial Soap Mild, Clairfying Lotion (2 in the winter and 3 in the summer) and DDMG. I add Moisture Surge to the base of my cheeks where I am dry. In the AM I add SPF and skincare is done. In the PM I omit the SPF and add Turnaround Concentrate, a serum that aids in exfoliation and finally Laser Repair, which is fixing my sun damage. Check out the pics on my profile, I'm 36, filler and botox free! LOL  xoxo

Andrea F.

Feb 12, 2011

Andrea F.

I love the super balanced foundation. :) I really want some skincare stuff from them! D: