[[ MUA Business Cards ]]


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Feb 23, 2011

Neelam S.

I've been trying to get a business card made for a year now but I havn't seen anything that totally blew me away - and thats what I want.

I have a bit of an idea - foil imprints, antique background, scented but thats about it.

What have been some of the best business cards you've come across?
What do your own cards look like?
It there anything you beleive to be a MAJOR faux-pas when creating your MUA business card?

Feb 23, 2011

DeShelle W.

You can try looking on vistaprint.com
They have tons of designs for any business

Don't get scented, you don't know if the person may have a fragrance intolerance or may have someone near them with one. You can accidentally trip someone's allergies if your cards are scented.

I've never seen anyone's MUA business cards and am curious about what people have. I think something playful and colorful would be nice if you want a more edgy clientele or if you're aiming for a more sophisticated look go with the foil imprints and antique look.  

Feb 23, 2011

Amy N.

I agree with Yasmin on the non-scented cards.

Moo.com makes business cards. They do photos on one side and your information on the other. You can upload photos of your work and Moo will try to make an equal amount of business cards with each photo. This is an easy way to promote your work.

Mar 16, 2011

Soma S.

The pixiwoo sisters had a business card they were given to personalize on their personal blog site, you should check it out, Sam's is gorgeous!

Mar 16, 2011

Soma S.

I believe it was the same site Amy suggested above.  =D

Jun 29, 2012

Danielle C.

I love the idea of a post card! i guess something like a glossy party flyer... a model was telling me abt getting a comp card so im tryin to decide which one to work on first. 

These are JoEllen's cards (owner of Firefly Path). She had hers done at http://division1printing.com/