"Dried-up Gel Liner? Revive it!" by EnKoreMakeup


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So Koren Z. released a video called "Dried-up Gel Liner? Revive it!" and does a fantastic job on showing you how to fix dried up gel liner instead of tossing it out. Here's the video link:

Now here are some of my own tips.

1. Smashbox's primer is excellent by at $36 ($38?) a bottle it's pricey to kind of "waste" it on doing that. Instead use NYX's new primer. Same ingredients as Smashbox's but only $12. I know Monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder-Gel (about $8.50) contains Dimethicone but so does TKB "cones" http://www.tkbtrading.com/item.php?item_id=766&category_id=13 and those start at around $2.50 an ounce.

2. If you're going to use the hairdryer method to melt then I highly suggest using a heat resistant glove to hold onto the jar. If you have a local Sally Beauty Supply you can pick one up for around $6. http://www.sallybeauty.com/heat-glove/SBS-487110,default,pd.html

3. I also suggest creating an "oven" like structure to help melt the product faster. To do this simply take a silpat (silcone baking mat) to keep your surface safe. Place a cookie sheet or even a flat bottom cake pan on top of the mat/towel as Koren said in his video. (Don't have a silpat? Then protect the surface with a towel.) As you heat the top of the product the bottom will also melt from the heat trapped by the cookie sheet/cake pan and it's create an "oven-like" environment to help melt the product faster.

Another method besides a cookie sheet or cake pan - a piece of aluminum foil scrunched up a bit to trap the heat around the jar.

Jan 11, 2011

Victoria S.

These are great tips Yasmin!

Andrea F.

Jan 12, 2011

Andrea F.

I love Enkore! So much more useful than most gurus! 

Mar 16, 2011

Soma S.

I would def. suggest to anyone using the heat method to only do it if their product comes in a glass jar. Heat will only cause plastic containers to off-gas and leech toxic chemicals into your eyeliner, and that is a big no-no, especially when the packaging does not state it is BPA free or anything remotely close.