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Oct 22, 2011

Eli R.

Ciao everyone! So ive been working hard on my blog. I would like to know what your suggestions are. I really wanna make it relatable to everyone.And if you like it please be sure to like my FB page :] ...

Oct 22, 2011

Shelby S.

Hi! I really enjoy your blog. Your descriptions are nice and the wording is easy to understand. The only thing I think you should do to take your blog to the next level is to include swatches of the products to give better color representation. I'm following you and checking out your Facebook page. Check out my beauty blog and let me know what you think too!

Oct 22, 2011

Ashley K.

Hey there! I agree with Shelby swatches would be really nice. Also I would either take out the music or make it so that it does not auto play as soon as the page is loaded.

Oct 22, 2011

Ashley F.

Hello Eli! I'm going to offer you some advice. Please don't think I'm being mean, I'm really just trying to be helpful. My boyfriend is a web designer and I'm going to tell you a few things that annoy everyone that people aren't aware of.

First thing is music. Music is cool, everyone likes music, but not everyone likes the same kind of music that you do. It's cool if you link your favorite bands and maybe your pandora account. Music is very distracting. Instead of people thinking "Oh hey, this is a cool site". People are actually thinking "OMG where's that coming from? I can't think with it on". Honestly, I have NEVER heard of any of the bands in your playlist.

Second, I find whatever font you're using annoying. what's the point in having font that's a mix of UppEr aNd LowEr cAsEs ? You see how hard that is to read?

Third, and this goes with both Ashley and Shelby's comment about swatches, but what about putting the picture descriptions under the picture instead of in a list format after you already inserted the pictures into the post. You are making the viewer scroll back and fourth, when there's really no need for that (referring to your September 20 post).

I hope that helps. Again, I'm just trying to be honest and helpful.