Healthy Way to Lose Stomach and Gain Abs


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Nov 11, 2011

Chelsea R.

Sooo... I've been wanting to lose weight for awhile now. I am currently at 158 and I would like to get down to at least 140-135. I've started exercising about 3 times a week and I feel pretty good about it. I'm just really concerned about my stomach area and also a diet plan. What is the best way to achieve my goals and stick to it?! Please help me loves!

Nov 11, 2011

Ashley K.

I used to do Tae bo all the time he has an ab boot camp workout that had me hooked for years it works really well if your just starting out because its hard but not too hard and of course you can always pause the dvd :) Which I did quite a lot haha

I know it sounds kind of old school because p90x is the new hot thing but that dvd worked wonder for me when I was using it and its super cheap now 12 bucks on amazon. Hope this helps!

from my own experience, the only thing that worked for me was eating well, healthy and watch what I ate, but not private me from food....
for instance I might want a burger(not the best choice), but I ate it and then I just work out a bit more at the gym.
drink tons of water, and the exercise on my case is extremely important.
I went from almost 190 lbs to right now 148 lbs.
exerciases I luv doing for my stomach are planks(they hurt like hell) but they are amazing BTW they work your lower back and legs as well.
and if you are barely starting go for cardiovascular exercises and then as you progress you can slowly add more and more weights.
if you don't like weights there are great classes on gyms also that work great( if you go to gym) if not I agree with @Ashley K. DVDs are amazing workout, in fact I started on youtube on psychetruth channel's I'll place the link below if you want to check em out, the workout are called 5 min. workout

hope that helps

Nov 11, 2011

Soma S.

I've been doing circuit training at 24 Hour Fitness w/ their body pump classes - and it really tones and lifts EVERYTHING! I haven't changed much in my diet [I just eat less and more frequently], but I figure if I did, the results would be 10x's as dramatic. P90X and Insanity has also done wonders with my group of friends [guys and girls alike] but that's too intense for myself, since I've no stamina whatsoever. Circuit training 1-2 hours 2-3 times per week should do you good. If you can work your endurance high enough to do some planks to tighten your core strength at home, that helps too with cardio if you don't want to bother with a gym membership. Work out with low weights and more reps per set to tone. If you pick up weights too heavy, you run the risk of bulking up. [I use no more than 2lb. to 5lb. weights w/ the barbell] - if you don't have weights, fill up water bottles instead to lift with and use tabletop edges to do dips on to tone up your triceps. A jumprope is a great investment [the one with the ball bearings used in Thai kickboxing will def. work up a sweat] or a medicine ball.

I have a wicked love affair with food, so I could probably never go back to dieting to keep in shape. Exercise and portion control is the way to go!  =D

@Soma you are ma hero :o)
same things I do, almost the same yay :D

Nov 11, 2011

Soma S.

@Antonio - hahaha, I think it's cuz we both like to eat GOOD. =D

Chelsea - there's also bootcamps that are run by locals in many areas there aren't too many gyms or for people that like to work out in a group. I find I work up a crazier sweat when I'm in a class full of people because I'm thinking, "Don't mess up, don't tap out, don't be a wuss... they'll think you're an idiot." the entire time, so it motivates me to push through the class. Of course, NO ONE even cares if I sit out the last few reps for planks or lunges because they're all thinking the same thing, concentrating on themselves.

Try - it's a FANTASTIC place to search for groups of people that share your interest in anything... from bootcamps, hiking, photography, mommy-meet ups, makeup, cooking, flashmobs - you name it, it's probably there... and if it isn't, you can make one.  =D

oh! by the way, a great online site that help to keep track of what you are eating is

Luv that site <3

DIET is so key to this! certain foods are not only fattening but make your body hold water in that area! Try to eat "fresh" food and don't worry about calorie cutting but to replace those processed, fatty junk foods with healthier things!

I do agree with Soma, Body pump would be an excellent start! You don't have much to lose!!! But remember, everyone has abdominal muscles so crunches, situps, any ab exercise will only strengthen them not help them show! So cardio and diet are key for abs showing. I still would recommend to start with circuit training or some type of weight regimen because you will be happy with pay off of the lean muscle you will get!

If you can afford it, I would look into personal training! I used to work at 24 Hour Fitness and was overweight when I started and my coworkers "taught" me how to workout and eat right! I eventually started to train with one of them and got down to 16% body fat with him but quickly learned that my body likes to be at a health18-19% body fat which I am happy with! If you do consider a personal trainer, really look into him/her I saw his clients and if they were reaching their goals or not and 90% of the time they were! Also, their education is important too! 24 in particular hires people as trainers without formal training in the matter. Just ask around and get info yourself because if you ask them they are trying to earn commission.

Also, community colleges/colleges offer weight training/ circuit training classes you could take that do work IF you are doing your part with the eating!

But most of all , find something that suits you and makes you feel comfortable! Also, the problems with classes vs. personal training is that they are focused on the group rather than individual needs where as a personal trainer ( a good one) knows exactly what to do for you so you reach your goals, set new ones and don't plateau. Also, I learned a LOT from my old trainer! One of them being how to stay in shape on my own, how to change up a workout routine if my body was getting used it! little things like that.

Also, don't be afraid of weights and don't be embarrassed starting out with light weights, before I started training I couldn't even do a single push up! And I started out using 10 pound dumbbells for stuff like chest presses which I now can do my body weight in (145lb) don't be intimidated of them and don't try to start heavy just do what is comfortable and gradually up the amount!

Another very important thing is that you need to focus on working out the whole body rather than just your abs. You don't get to choose where your body loses fat at and some places will naturally store fat depending on genetics ( I lost a lot in my boobs!) so try to find something that includes abs, arms, legs, butt etc. 

Nov 14, 2011

Chelsea R.

Thanks you guys! All of your replies are really helpful and appreciated!