Best moisturizer for acne riddled skin?


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Nov 2, 2011

Anneka F.

I was using an Origins moisturizer in the morning but it was breaking me out. =[
I would get Elemental Herbology oil free hydrator but that brand isn't very accessible in America.

I was living in New Zealand where it's really humid, but now live in northern California - its REALLY dry here so I wonder if thats why my skin freaked out. But it just hasn't cleared up since I got here 3 months ago. I've got another 3 months here then I'm moving to London.

Whats the best moisturizer for clearing up my skin? What works best for you guys?
I already have a great cleanser - its definitely the moisturizer. (Plus I need a new one soon anyway!)

Thanks in advance. <3 

Nov 2, 2011

Angela W.

I've been in love with Aveeno Clear Complexion moisturizer. You can get it at just about any drugstore in CA but not so sure about England. Maybe it would be good for you to invest in a humidifier if the dryness of the air is really wreaking havoc on your skin? I used to have one and I loved it. I wish I still had it! At night I'd put a drop of essential oil in the tank and fill my room with a nice scent- and extra humidity!

Nov 2, 2011

Anneka F.

I'm torn because I love how dry it is here, I hated the humidity back home. My hair loves how dry it is here too hah.
My mum suggested Aveeno too! Maybe I'll check that out, thank you! =] 

Anneka F.

Auckland, New Zealand.