Why Start a YouTube Channel?


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Oct 30, 2011

Laura N.

Hey, hey Ladies (and gents)!

I was thinking today... There are sooo many beauty channels and gurus on youtube now-a-days. I'm always curious as to what your inspiration was to start a channel, blog, website, etc.

Personally...I used YouTube throughout college. I've found that there are ways look your best while being on a budget. After I graduated, I wanted to dedicate an entire channel just to budget-friendly options that actually do what they're advertised to do. (believe me, I've found complete duds..then you end up wasting money). When you're a student, wasting money just isn't an option. I'm always on the look-out for dupes, sales and getting quality products for your money.

Let me know why you started a channel/blog, etc.!!



Oct 30, 2011

Jasmin A.

Hi Laura, I really like your idea! I would definitely be interested in your YouTube channel because who doesn't love a good cheap deal!? Especially when you work hard for your money, but they all go to bills! And sometimes you just want to splurge on make-up! Lol.

I have both a blog and YouTube channel, but my main place is my blog. Originally I made a blog/YouTube channel to help girls with acne, like me! But for awhile I've just been doing reviews on products and stuff like that. I want to get back in acne care though. But soon enough (:

Good luck!

Oct 30, 2011

Laura N.

Hey Jasmin. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work! :) I love it how there are so many girls helping other girls with beauty, fashion, life advice! We ladies have to stick together!  ;)