Post your most fave pic of YOU!


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This is one of my favorite pics, BTW everyone is lookin great in their pics <3
I luv this pic cuz it has lots of green in it, I look kindda happy(but not where u can say I'm a creep) and I dunno I just enjoy this one :o)

Nov 12, 2011

Evy Johnson K.

this is my favorite at the moment because i feel super happy

one of mine.. i just got engaged!

Nov 12, 2011

Nickie W.

I am noticing that a lot of the posts here are pictures people like because they were happy or looked happy in the shot. That reminds me of a quote...I don't know who said it, but its something to the effect of "you are prettiest when you're happy"  :)

@Nickie W. that quote is so true, super CUTE <3

Thanks for sharing your fab pics guys! Following you all now :)

Nov 13, 2011

Starr J.

this is my favorite recent pic . just because i love how i did my makeup & my dress i had on

Nov 13, 2011

Mallory R.

This is a little collection of pictures of myself that I made last year. It's how my looks have changed from high school until last year (I graduated in 2008). I love this picture because I love to see how I've changed in my appearance.

Starr, Malory, and Marie, thanks for sharing your gorgeous pics. Following you all now. Hope u all check out my videos. Thanks!

Everyone looks Beautiful : ) Here is my favorite picture.

Nov 17, 2011

Joanna T.

Very cute pictures from all of you...
That's my favorite picture! It's not one of my best looks but i miss that moment so i love this picture...

Love this picture of myself! 

Jun 1, 2013

Kaitlyn T.

All of you guys are gorgeous so jealous of most of you!! Here's my favorite happy picture :)

Jun 9, 2013

Helen B.

My at 6 in the morning xD.